
Hey there Gaia!~ My name is Cynthia Y. and I'm 17 years old! I don't know what I put for my birthday but it's October 31st! (Halloween! Whee~) 1991~ I'm Japanese and part American! I love talking on IM chat rooms but I don't like giving that stuff away so you'll have to add me on your friends list to talk to meh! razz

I love swimming and sun bathing! I work out just enough to look skinny but not enough to be strong! crying I like a wide variety of music and people so don't worry about what you sound like when you talk to me! I have a husband so no flirting please! (Except you Bardok! ~_O)

PM me anytime! I love getting mail!

Cherry Blossom Festival, 桜祭り or Hanami 花見 (Flower Watching) is an important Japanese custom.

For all you Japan-Enthusiasts; I love the Cherry Blossom Festivals! I go every year!

Cherry blossoms can be viewed from January to June in different regions in Japan, and cherry blossom festivals are held all over Japan in spring.
In a typical cherry blossom festival (Hanami), tea ceremonies, traditional Japanese music or dance performances take place. Cherry blossoms are often illuminated at night. Visit great cherry blossom spots or cherry blossom festivals in Japan.

This information is taken from Wikipedia

The practice of hanami is many centuries old. The custom is said to have started during the Nara Period (710–794) when the Chinese Tang Dynasty influenced Japan in many ways; one of which was the custom of enjoying flowers. Though it was ume blossoms that people admired in the beginning, by the Heian Period, sakura came to attract more attention. From then on, in tanka and haiku, "flowers" meant "sakura."

Yakuza (ヤクザ or やくざ)

Luckily my knowledge is not limeted to the lighter side of Japanese culture.
The Yakuza is a large, organized crime unit stationed in Japan. There are four different "families" of Yakuza.

Find out more about the Yakuza here:



Viewing 3 of 3 friends


Viewing 10 of 19 comments.

Lavi Lee

Report | 04/27/2009 9:50 pm

Lavi Lee

sorry no i don't Cynthia
Lavi Lee

Report | 02/23/2009 7:06 pm

Lavi Lee

Yayz for having special privileges to flirt biggrin
Hana Amai

Report | 02/22/2009 8:00 am

Hana Amai

Lol yeah. I want to teach either 1st grade or english.
Hana Amai

Report | 02/21/2009 7:03 pm

Hana Amai

Oh cool! I don't know much about advertising. It seems like it would be interesting though. smile I think once I'm a teacher, I'm not going to use my last name. I think I'm just going to have them call me "Ms Caitlynne". It weirds me out if someone calls me by my last name like that. Lol. I'm not sure why though.
Hana Amai

Report | 02/18/2009 12:28 pm

Hana Amai

I'm wanting to go into education. I want to teach 1st grade, and also do mission work in latin america. What about you? Are you in college?
Hana Amai

Report | 02/15/2009 9:58 am

Hana Amai

Hana Amai

Report | 02/11/2009 8:01 pm

Hana Amai

Pretty good, I had school today then work right after so it was a busy day.
Hana Amai

Report | 02/09/2009 6:52 pm

Hana Amai

Oh cool. Thanks! Your avi is really cute too!! smile
Hana Amai

Report | 02/01/2009 8:50 pm

Hana Amai

biggrin My day's been pretty good. I got to hang out with a bunch of friends. We had a party at one of my friend's house. It was pretty awesome! smile How about you? How was your day?
Hana Amai

Report | 01/29/2009 9:27 pm

Hana Amai

Me too! Green and pink have to be my 2 favorite colors! Lol. Do you mean the marketplace? It's under the 'shop' section and the under 'marketplace'. Other than that, I'm not really sure.