[[Welcome to the 'work in progress' know as MY LIFE]][

My Name Is SARAH:
Someday, hopefully quite soon; I will have the words, and also the time to type some eloquent phases that will make you want to know me better.
But, lets be honest...I'm a lazy misanthrope with little to no direction in life. I can't make you believe what I myself consider to be all lies.
For all I know; This world is God's form of Reality TV:
Elvis is alive and takin' a few hits off John Lennon's joint.[I'm a sucker for musical history]
Robert Frost and Edgar Allen Poe chill in Heaven drinking beers and discussing 'Romantic Illusions'.[I will never stop reading 1800's poetry]
The Social Scene is overrated and counterproductive. [What happened to being an individual?]
Love might be the movement, but I'm a little 'off-beat'. I need someone to show me how to believe in the magic again. [I've heard it's in a young girl's heart and music will free her whenever it starts?]
Your Labels Are All Wrong:
Every adjective you can think of, I can assure you; I've already been labeled with it. But these social categories that young adults invent for themselves...they never last.
All I can ever be is myself. I'm young and naive as ever, and I like it that way! I hate the world, but I'm stuck being a part of it. Might as well live it up as long as I have to be here.
Soon I Have To Grow Up:
But I don't want to! I want to enjoy being young just a little while longer.
The fact that I've had sex doesn't mean I can no longer hold someone's hand. I have a job and responsibilities, but I still find time to be a child. I'm 20 years old, but that doesn't stop me from joking around and having a blanket, teddy bear, and sippy cup at 'bed time'.
Don't hold it against me for being a fan of "The Good Ol' Days". They've all but been forgotten. I've taken myself out of the rat race; the daily grind isn't going to be the death of me. [I'm thinking something along the lines of the ending scene in "The Notebook"] *coughs*CLICHE*coughs*
My Philosophy:
I will live my life the way I feel like living it. I assume that one day I will have to settle down and rejoin all the other drones but; know that until then all I can say is this: "Beauty is relative and fades over time. Personality is a learned asset that can always be changed". In taking off your clothes, everything hidden is
♥ Sarah
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Im sorry for the bother. sweatdrop