dsfa bertj o3u509

dsfa bertj o3u509's avatar

Last Login: 04/14/2016 5:55 pm

Registered: 02/06/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/18/1991


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My name is Ashley, and that is pretty much what all of my friends call me.
I am 19.
I have been a member of Gaia since 06/21/2005. Just with many accounts.
I'm an easy person to talk to, so don't be afraid to strike up a conversation.
A few things about me :
I'm literate.
An artist.
I enjoy reading, and writing.
I prefer many types of music, besides country, pop, or rap.
I absolutely adore video games.
I am happily taken.
I have a brother, half brother, and a half sister.

That is pretty much all I am tempted to write at this moment.
I am generally a lazy person, so even this is a surprising amount of words.
Thanks for reading.
Hope to hear from you.



View All Comments

Himawari-chi Report | 08/18/2010 6:34 pm
omg, I wanted to drop by your profile b/c you're so nice. > <
but, I'm shocked, b/c I started Gaia one day after you. o__o
of course, with multiple accounts, however they all got hacked.. - -;;
but yeah, makes me happy to find another 2005er. (:
just saying; thank you for the gift !
Lady Ceial Report | 08/12/2010 12:09 pm
Lady Ceial
Sorry! Kind of already bought one. sweatdrop
Lady Ceial Report | 08/11/2010 10:14 pm
Lady Ceial
Can I buy your Uncanny Form for 152696 gold?
peetar Report | 04/26/2010 10:47 am
No problemo (:
ctrl zee Report | 01/27/2010 5:42 pm
ctrl zee
Thank you so much for the gift, sorry I couldn't reply to you earlier but it is very much appreciated and now I won't have to quest as long for my next quest item.
c: Zee.
Gotthorm Farnobius Report | 01/02/2010 12:57 pm
Gotthorm Farnobius
hyruled Report | 08/27/2009 4:53 pm
Thank you so much for the donation. o.o
like wowww.
flavored pencils Report | 08/24/2009 8:26 am
flavored pencils
aww thats nice. my school's totally different, everyone in my grade hates eachother. loll
ahah yeah. yup yup smile
flavored pencils Report | 08/23/2009 4:30 pm
flavored pencils
yup, im reading Frankenstein, and it's quite hard to read cause of the old fashioned language.
ohh thats cool. senior year huh, the top of the school. smile
school starts in 2 weeks for me, and im going into sophmore year, which kinda sucks, cause no one really cares about the sophmores. loll
flavored pencils Report | 08/23/2009 3:50 pm
flavored pencils
i'm good, though alittle annoyed by the summer reading that i have to do. D:
youu? C:


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Ashley -19 - 10/03/09 Engaged - [♥] [♥]


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