hi, i'm onyx. ツtry to figure me out. i dare you.|| female || fourteen || new york ||
profiles ||
(I know my profile is all bland and stuff but this is just for display for my profile thread. and yeah, the music is hidden. deal with it.)
i curse too much and a lot of people consider me inappropriate and offensive. i'm a pretty happy person, but flip out randomly. i tend to stray away from what's "cool" these days. to me, liars are the lowest form of life. 23-30 minutes: approximately how long it takes me to get ready in the morning. 2-5 hours: about how much sleep i get at night. internet drama makes me lol. stfu with your 'scene' and 'emo' shit. it's getting old. i don't take much seriously, but am serious when the time calls for it. if i could be any animal in the world, i'd be a kitty! i may not look like much, but piss me off, and i will not hesitate to stomp your face in. i have a really sick and twisted sense of humor. you could find me at the strangest of places. i'm afraid of the dark and ghosts are fucking awesome! i have friends from every social group. believe it or not, i'm a huuuggeee fucking anime geek. i believe in fairytales, love at first site and prince charmings. i'm not normal; i read like i breathe air and rarely ever watch tv. i have experienced love, loss and hate first hand. i'm happy that a certain person is finally off my fucking back. i'm the type of girl who wont go down without a fight. i don't exactly lead the safest, nor most desirable life. drama-free, drug induced, sleep-deprived. i like all kinds of music. i cause internal bruising when i hug people. i do my own coding for gaiaonline. i'd rather go out at night than during the day. i like hats. get me one and i'll love you forever. i'm an atheist, don't like it deal with it. i'm very critical, if i don't like what your avi looks like i will tell you, same thing if i do like your avi. i will never reveal my real name, ever.
I beg you, help me please;

Total Value: 3,330,425 Gold
After Exclusions: 2,633,738 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gray Peasant Gloves
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Heart of Gold
Inari's Beads
Lightning Bug
Underground Sound
Lucky Horseshoe
Kottan Bell 2nd Gen
Noel's Gift 4th Gen.
Noel's Gift
Sweet Porridge
Swirly Naruto

Total Value: 1,774,748 Gold
After Exclusions: 1,582,902 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Verizon Glasses
G-LOL Dark Dollie Socks
Violet And Purple Reversible Hair Pins
Violet And Purple Reversible Bracelets
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans
Anti-Fashion Aqua Hoony Tee
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
White Hachimaki
Angelic Manner