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Only the biggest miyavi fan eva. xD

Visual_Kei94's avatar

Gender: Male

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watashi no mono:


Remind me to update my interests.



Well, lets see.. as you can see, I'm a HUGE Miyavi fan. He's just so cool! =] Also, I'm and anime/manga fanatic. I love to draw, watch/read, and study anime and manga. ^_^ I also do AMVs, write fanfictions, and draw fan art! =D

Here's my dream avatar! ^.^ I'm going for a Visual-Kei style.. just like Miyavi!! =D

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My Favorite Bands/Singers:
I have way to many to list, lol.. so I'll just put a few. ^_^
1. Miyavi
2. SlipKnot
3. Three Days Grace
4. Gackt
5. Puddle of Mud
6. Aerosmith




I'm his bro. xD