My dream avatar!! Please help me get it!! <3

My other dream avatar!! Again, DONATE!!! :)

my other other dream avatar


....are greatly appreciated. I don't want money to get back my account, I'm counting on the Gaia staff to do that. But I will give any donated gold to my guild against hackers. Thanks for taking time to read this. And don't forget to donate!!!


katelynwashere's avatar

Last Login: 06/16/2013 10:22 am

Registered: 05/17/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/08

So Sad...

I recently got hacked on my other account (xXxLolxXxRawrxXx) and I'm trying to recover all of my items while waiting for a moderator to get my account back. I'm pretty sure the hacker found out my password and changed it. I hate hackers and don't get the point of them. People make websites like these to have fun, by hacking someone, you take away their joy. Like mine, and many others. I am a part of a hacker hater guild and I'm currently sad. Very sad.

Stalk me

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About me

My name is Katelyn. Not Kate, or Katie, or anything like that. Please don't randomly add me. Get to know me first. I'll respond to any PMs or comments.

Things I hate:
- When people can't take the time to spell things out correctly. I mean, LOL and stuff are okay, but misspelling stuff, just because they're shorter, seriously! If you don't have the time to spell stuff out, why are you on a website like this?
- Random people asking me to donate! I'm not a charity! I'm not some rich gaian willing to give away the gold that I worked hard for! Maybe if your my friend, I'll donate. But don't just add me to get my gold.
- People that comment on my wall "thanks for buying". I guess I don't hate it, but it kind of gets annoying. So please, if I bought something from your store, and you're reading this, don't do it. I get it, your thankful.

Things I like:
- Nice people who are willing to talk to me when I'm alone in Skittles world.
- Random comments and PM's.
- Friends
- People not afraid to express themselves.

Things I like not on Gaia:
- Softball
- Piano
- Reading
- Writing
- My iPod Touch
- Shopping
- Animals
- Family and Friends

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy and important lives to read this. It means a lot to me!

P.S. Don't forget to send me a PM or comment!! smile


User Image
I adopted a chibi!
Name: Demyx
Age: 14
Likes: Music, the color blue
Dislikes: Silence, hatred
Owner: Katelyn
Get one now!

Yuki and Kioko

User Image
I adopted a chibi!
Name: Yuki and Kioko
Age: 5 and 4
Likes: Drawing, Laughing
Dislikes: Sadness, being apart.
Owner: Katelyn
Get one now!


User Image
i adopted a chibi!
name: Rian
likes: Snow flakes
doesn't like: Rain
owner: MEEEE!!!!
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!


User Image

I recently got hacked so I'm trying to get some gold to recover some of my items.


View Store

Where all of my fishies seem to die :(

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


View All Comments

xXZOMBIExBAMBIXx Report | 11/28/2009 11:35 am
To Fat To Care Report | 11/15/2009 7:41 am
To Fat To Care
im back smile
delightfulcupcake Report | 09/13/2009 9:02 am
Thanks!!Chrsitan Siriano Made It Really He Did!!!Go To H&R Weslsy And You Might See My Dress And It Will Say Chrsitan Siriano's Dress!!
PR0GF0X Report | 09/12/2009 6:52 pm
O: welcome backkk!
Roxy Balo Report | 09/06/2009 7:37 am
Roxy Balo
Glad you liked the TekTek smile <33
WarWenW Report | 09/04/2009 7:41 pm
Thank you ^^<3
WarWenW Report | 09/04/2009 7:30 am
Hello ^^
sk8tergurl1176 Report | 09/01/2009 7:21 pm
awwwwwww, your so awsome you like kingdom hearts???? xD
HiddenFail Report | 08/31/2009 1:54 pm
just stoppin by to say hello and see how your doing well ttyl
angels_have_eyes Report | 08/28/2009 2:54 pm
thanks for shopping at my store.


w a f f e l z xD
Prince Akoumi
Fluffy Tazzy Gom

My old account that got hacked. I don't know why she's not wearing any clothes.

MY SIS!!!!