
Im suprised and honored to be the first InFAMOUS Cole!

Cole, a courier in Empire City, is told to deliver a package by an unknown customer, but when he arrives, he is told to open it, revealing a sphere-like device. It activates, causing a massive explosion that wipes out 6 city blocks, Cole being the only survivor. Empire City is put under quarantine, and without outside help, chaos quickly descends on the city. Cole, in the hospital under the care of his girlfriend Trish, recovers in about two weeks and discovers he has been infused with electricity-based powers. As he regroups with his best friend, Zeke, he discovers that a rogue television DJ, "The Voice of Survival", has identified him as the cause of the explosion, turning the city populace, including Trish who lost her sister in the explosion, against him. Cole and Zeke attempt to make it past the quarantine, using Cole's new powers, but they are overwhelmed. Cole is caught by an FBI agent named Moya, who urges Cole to return to Empire City to help recover the Ray Sphere, the device that triggered the explosion, as well as her husband and fellow agent John, in exchange for breaking him, Zeke, and Trish from quarantine.

Moya assigns Cole the tasks of restoring power to the various sectors of the city and to find hints of John's location. As Cole completes Moya's missions, he comes to discover that there are three similarly-supercharged humans in the city. One is Sasha, a woman with the ability to control minds through a tar-like substance that induces mind control, and in control of the Reaper forces that do her bidding. The second is Alden, an old man with powerful telekinesis abilities that seeks to regain control of the First Sons, an ancient fraternal organization that created the Ray Sphere. The final figure is Kessler, a man also with electrical super powers and a metal hand who resents Cole's peacock-like displays of heroism. As Cole completes the missions, he learns that years ago, Kessler displaced Alden from the First Sons, earning Alden's loathing, while Sasha, a former member of the First Sons, seeks to gain Cole's love as a way to get back at being rejected by Kessler. Depending on Cole's actions, he can reconcile his fallout with Trish or earn her scorn. During the story, it becomes clear that Zeke has become jealous of Cole's new found powers, and thus attempts to be a hero in his own right by joining the police, but fails miserably by allowing Alden to escape police custody.

Cole is able to find John, who reveals that Moya has lied to Cole, as John is neither part of the FBI or married to Moya, and that Moya herself is probably working with a different agency with their own goals. Instead, John explains that he is actally an agent of the NSA and was undercover in the First Sons during the creation of the Ray Sphere, a device designed to consume the bio-electric energy from anyone within a radius and transfer it to its user, giving them super powers. As such, everyone, including Alden, Kessler, and Moya, appear to be after it. Cole reneges on his deal with Moya and helps John to recapture and destroy the Ray Sphere. In their attempt to get the Sphere from Alden, Zeke decides he would want to have his own super powers and activates the Sphere, though nothing happens. Zeke then takes the Sphere to Kessler, much to Cole's anger. Kessler then captures Trish and forces Cole to try to decide between saving her and several other doctors; with either decision, Trish dies, and will either curse Cole's name or finally forgive him for what happened.

Cole helps John locate the Ray Sphere, where Cole is left to choose to either destroy it, or using it to gain an immense power boost; either choice results in both the Sphere and John's destruction. Cole then goes to face Kessler at ground zero; Zeke tries to intervene but Kessler tosses him aside. Cole eventually gets the better of Kessler, and as Kessler dies, he implants memories into Cole's head. It turns out that Kessler is Cole from an alternate timeline in the future, in which he and Trish were married with Zeke as Cole's best man. However, the world is soon presented with a danger Kessler refers to as "The Beast", who plunges the world into chaos. Kessler decides to flee with Trish and their two children, unprepared to face it. Eventually though, the Beast catches up with Kessler, leaving his family dead. He determined the only way to right the world was to go back in time, using powers given to him by the Ray Sphere, and mold his younger self into a being that would be ready to face The Beast. Once in the past, Kessler ousted control of the First Sons from Alden, shunned Sasha's attempts for romance over his caring for Trish, and accelerated the development of the Ray Sphere much earlier in the timeline. He then arranged for Cole to use the device, and prepared him to make the harsh choices that he would need to by killing Trish. After Kessler's death, Cole is left to wonder about his future, realizing he will never be able to go back to how life was before the incident (or if you're bad, he makes the town his own and claims no one is stronger than him).



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/31/2010 7:41 am


Amazing seeing I have a twin!

Report | 08/18/2009 5:19 am


thats a nice avi i have the game biggrin i am truely iNFamous
Kaos Persona

Report | 07/09/2009 12:50 pm

Kaos Persona

Yup! It's Twin Day! I'm dressing up as my friend Danny Colt The Spirit ^_^
Kaos Persona

Report | 07/08/2009 5:16 pm

Kaos Persona

It's part of Gaia Spirit Week, a user created event.

Report | 07/08/2009 4:18 pm


I is spiritful. 3nodding
Kaos Persona

Report | 07/06/2009 7:12 pm

Kaos Persona

Yup! This is Gaia Spirit week, and todays monochrome day. Tomarrow is animal day, then uh...bondage day. I don't remember the rest, but I know one of them is twin day.
Kaos Persona

Report | 07/06/2009 11:57 am

Kaos Persona

Well then don't shock them.
Kaos Persona

Report | 07/05/2009 10:20 pm

Kaos Persona

You can handle yourself, can't you? Just shock anyone that looks at you funny.
Kaos Persona

Report | 07/05/2009 9:47 pm

Kaos Persona

Hm, I think that's a little beyond my ability...I'm sorry. I'm sure the awnser is on your world.
Kaos Persona

Report | 07/05/2009 9:35 pm

Kaos Persona

*shakes her head* Sorry...science isn't really my thing. I only know about robots because some of my friends are.