I'm proud i stand of who i am

Well, there's not much about me. I'm very opinionated, i can be melodramatic at times, but I'm also very caring once you get to know me. I like to dance, but I mostly spend my time reading books. I'm more of the kind of person that enjoys the quiet and being by their selves. I'm a very huge Harry Potter fan, so i usually blurt out random Harry Potter information in conversations. I enjoy rock music, hip-hop music just get on my nerves. I can be very serious when it comes to grammar and school. Anyways, all in all I'm a very caring person who has strong opinions and enjoys solitude. Oh, and I love to draw! Realistic drawings are my passion. And I suck at making conversations. You can call me socially awkward.

Not once in life have i been real, but i've never felt this close before

XxXLacey_SkellingtonXxX's avatar

Last Login: 03/13/2017 12:46 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/10


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you write such pretty words, but life's no story book, love's an excuse to get hurt, and to hurt, do you like to hurt?

Solo las memorias quedan

Only the memories remain