Viewing Uifila's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Yeah, so like, I'm OLD and stuff. :l

In love with a sexy man named Wyatt <3~


Tekken is my FAVORITE game

Some of the things I enjoy: Watching anime(If you have some suggestions on what I should watch pelase tell me~), drawing, reading, and eating(NO I'M NOT FAT.) And going on the computer. :0

Some of the things I don't enjoy: Fighting, birds, kids from ages 1~12, thunder, spiders and much much more.


Favorite colors: Black, white, silver, red, gray, purple.

Current Favorite song: Move Your Body


My Darkest Days

::^::Favorite song in the link above::^::




Viewing 5 of 5 comments.

Lael Dolzhikov

Report | 11/29/2010 3:04 pm

Lael Dolzhikov

He might if you post and ask for it. You never know ♥
Neko Kanochi

Report | 11/28/2010 11:18 pm

Neko Kanochi

You're not my mother! I'm only a stripper to pay for college >:[
Lael Dolzhikov
Neko Kanochi

Report | 11/25/2010 9:39 pm

Neko Kanochi

I seriously have no idea... I hate looking at old messages cause we always look retarded D:

Report | 06/08/2010 8:46 am


*random hug*


No you