
Hello my lickle people of gaiaonline!

I'm almost always on, talk to me?

Wanna know about me? No, you can't can you?

Well, I come off as shy at first, then I talk, Pffhaaw! I can talk forever!

I like to pretend I'm a little bit gothic sometimes wink Just so people don't bother me, but that aiiiinnn't me!

Mysterious English Girl Me Is!

Visit my Dev Art page? Click Here!

And why not say hello to My lickle fwoggy!
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By Alasdaer


Viewing 12 of 14 friends


Check out some of my art in here!

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Just some of my newest artwork for you to all enjoy! ^^
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Just click on one of my journal entries and you can see what stuff I have been drawing lately! (I have only just stared this so there isn't much in it! >_<)


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/07/2011 5:29 pm


well hey if ya ever need someone to help you threw all the crap and the junk just PM me alright? I will give you as much support and advice as I possibly can. Trust me I give good advice, never seen it fail someone that used it . trust me i will do the best i possibly can

Report | 02/05/2011 11:23 pm


its alright. not to good, not to bad. I am basicly content with my life is smile . so life is good for you?
Cryptic Bunbun

Report | 01/09/2011 2:33 am

Cryptic Bunbun

omai heading off to uni already? xD man time sure does fly eh >.< I'm heading back to my uni too, I start on the 20th & I'm so nervous D:

Report | 12/26/2010 1:16 am


hey buddy long time no talk. how have you been? nice art!
Cryptic Bunbun

Report | 12/05/2010 1:49 pm

Cryptic Bunbun

lol xD
well tbh things have been pretty slow here ;c I still cant find myself a good job, the ones ive been doing lately are just short term gigs that only last a few days emo
I guess thats why i still stick aroind here lol need something to do to avoid dying frm boredom gonk
Cryptic Bunbun

Report | 11/22/2010 5:50 am

Cryptic Bunbun

*peeks in*

hey there been awhile c8

Report | 10/30/2010 5:34 am


Hehe it doesn't matter, I do that all the time! It's good! smile Surprisingly so! The power went out last night so we all playe monopol biggrin You?

Report | 10/28/2010 11:56 am


Be thee fine... and, um...., thee?

Report | 10/09/2010 7:34 am


Hello-a (Like kinda Hawaiian?) :L
iiDoctor Shoes

Report | 09/01/2010 12:18 pm

iiDoctor Shoes

If you like this Copy and paste to 4 other profiles then press F5 for 500,000gg


[b:a6c6fcfe10]Most of the time I'm online, talk to me?

Or why not visit my deviant art page?
Click Here![/size:a6c6fcfe10][/color:a6c6fcfe10][/b:a6c6fcfe10]