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Rynox Kanami

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Birthday: 03/14


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XLady RiikoX Report | 11/18/2009 4:27 pm
XLady RiikoX
It's a series called White Collar; it gets aired on USA, but Hulu hasn't updated it yet from what I've seen, so I do wonder.
XLady RiikoX Report | 11/15/2009 4:31 pm
XLady RiikoX
LOl, you can call it that xD
He's also not letting her disappearance go (she went to jail and broke up with him, left, and he went out to find her; he was going to go back into prison for another 4 years, when he convinced Peter to take him on as an informant. He's still itching to go after her).
XLady RiikoX Report | 11/11/2009 1:18 pm
XLady RiikoX
Oh Neal started from the bottom and made to make his and his gf's lives better; but he kinda went the wrong way about it.
XLady RiikoX Report | 11/10/2009 8:33 am
XLady RiikoX
Lol!! I know biggrin
But Neal's a good guy at heart; he just happened to get a little carried away in his life while trying to better life for himself and his Girlfriend.
XLady RiikoX Report | 11/03/2009 5:29 pm
XLady RiikoX
Um... well Neal's not exactly a friend: he's the guy that Peter spent three years of his life chasing to later put him into prison. He's a white collar fellon turned FBI informant. smile
XLady RiikoX Report | 11/02/2009 9:09 pm
XLady RiikoX
He did it so he could figure out what to do for their anniversary xD

It was so funny, Neal's trying to help him:
NEAL: "So come on, tell me what she likes."
PETER: "... I don't know."
NEAL: "Oh come on, you've been married to her for like 10 years! How can you not know!?"
XLady RiikoX Report | 10/30/2009 9:42 pm
XLady RiikoX
I got to watch White Collar the other night-- I LOVE IT!!
Lol, the actor who plays Peter's the best xD He stalks his wife!

And Neal Capherey--- OMFG--- heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
XLady RiikoX Report | 10/28/2009 5:08 pm
XLady RiikoX
Haha xD

I just use Hulu now. Most everything on TV are repeats, so I just watch non-manga-recreated anime or new drama series like White Collar
XLady RiikoX Report | 10/16/2009 8:01 pm
XLady RiikoX
No. Those HBO channel stuffs are crap anyway. It's a lot of money for stuff that's much quality.

Either way, if I had TIVO, lol... I would disappear xD
XLady RiikoX Report | 10/10/2009 8:17 am
XLady RiikoX
That's fine; I've been working a ton anyway xD

And I can't find it on Funimation sad


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i did it XD yay!


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