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-X-random_chan-X-'s avatar

Last Login: 03/26/2017 7:09 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/10


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White & Nerdy - Heiji, Kaito, Saguru, Conan

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blackrose_witch1996 on 06/10/2020


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Hey i'm CC! I'm in the 9th grade and an up and coming artist and councilor/teacher. I can be random at times, love my friends and would do anything for them. You can usually find me drawing, watching anime, or hanging out with my friends most of the time. I love to play soccer, tennis, and biking. (now, if only I was any good. ^^; )

LIKES: kind people, trees, the environment, mysterys, Case Closed, raspberry tea, music of all kinds, hamsters ;D

DISLIKES: fake people, druggies or other gang people, strict republicans(althought i respect their right to an opinion, even if it's wrong), liver, liers, ect.

I live to draw & sketch!

You can also call me Kagome or Amu! I don't care which one. wink

You can also find me at: I'm Amu-chan670 I'm randomnessmaster16 if i knew and trust you well, no offence, but there to many creepers out there~

My saying : "A friend is someone that tells you, you look good even though you don't, A good friend is someone that make you look good, even though your beyond hope, A best friend is someone that slaps you on the back and tells you, you look like crap!" ^^
(so not kidding about friends......yah.)

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"Liking is a selfish thing. Loving is a selfless one.
Liking is wanting. Wanting is demanding. It wants its own
way. It doesn't listen to reason. All it wants is to be
satisfied. But loving--" a sigh, "--is giving. Giving
does the best for the other person. Giving is thinking
about what would help them the most. It's about giving up
your time and your feelings and your own pleasure for
someone or something else. So I ask you: do you like me?
Or do you love me?"

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"To a true artist, only that face is BEAUTIFUL which, quite apart from it's exterior, shines with TRUTH within the SOUL."
-Mahatma Gandhi


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Let your color shine!

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