
CaptainXMayhem's avatar

Last Login: 10/15/2010 2:38 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/28


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apoptygma berzerk




Captain Mayhem

Sydän soturi, henki eleganssia. Graceful esitykset, sisäinen tiedustelu. En salli näiden haitallisten mielissä seurakunta vapaata omaa oikeutta.

"Ihmiset ovat typeriä, koska oikea motivaatio, kukaan ei usko melkein mitään. Koska ihmiset ovat tyhmiä, he uskovat valheeseen, koska he haluavat uskoa, se on totta, tai koska he pelkäävät voisi olla totta. Ihmisten päät ovat täynnä tietoa , tosiasioita ja uskomuksia, ja useimmat niistä ovat vääriä, mutta heidän mielestään se kaikki on totta. Ihmiset ovat tyhmiä, he voivat vain harvoin erottamaan valhe ja totuus, ja silti he luottavat he voivat, ja niin ovat kaikki helpompi huijata. "

Want to see some of my cartoon/comic art? Here is my deviantart page:

Kapteeni Mayhem

Hei, I go by the name either GenevieveX or just X you may call me by either. I'm not your average person, I can actually be the worst person you ever meet in your life if you so happened to say or do something I either believe is idiotic, immature, defencive, and any other word to describe what it is I mean. I am seventeen. People tend to keep their distance from me. I've been described to be, by close friends and family, an intelligent, smart, cunning, mean, nice, valiant, gallant, strong, independent, easily-tempered, truthful, trustworthy, unique, beautiful, respectful, well-mannered, creative, imaginative, artistic, straight-forward, photogenic, very opinionated, intimidating, talented, enigma, blunt, open, mysterious, elegant, graceful,stunning, faithful, best freind, sometimes confused, sharp, unapproachable, and a whole load of other crap. I don't take lightly to ignorance/arogance. I hate stupid questions, and will not tolerate childish behavior. My best guy friend Danny says I hit and hug like a man (I AM NOT STOCKY OR BUILT LIKE A MAN) I am actually very slender with just a lot of upper body strangth. I do not follow nor do I care to believe in any religion, I am my own religion. Politics, I hate politics, that's all I'm saying on that topic. I like alternitive style, I'm not one of those psycho preppy bitches. I love makeup and hair, two of my best friends. I draw and paint(I need to practice more, I'm losing my touch). I sing, I am a saprano. My favorite genre's of music are Metal, Symphonic Metal, Folk/Celtic metal, EBM, Industrial, Electro, Futurepop, Darkwave,Electronica, Indie. I've been described to be goottilainen or gothic in english. And I could go on, but I don't feel like going on soooooo näkemiin! biggrin


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A Wayward Victorian Girl Report | 07/23/2010 8:10 pm
A Wayward Victorian Girl
Arigatou~ <3 :3

Yours is fantastic~
A Wayward Victorian Girl Report | 07/15/2010 7:47 pm
A Wayward Victorian Girl
Hello~ :3
GothicVictorianNinja Report | 07/10/2010 9:42 am
oohhh i sorry, >.< hope you get one soon ^-^
GothicVictorianNinja Report | 07/10/2010 8:54 am
So, did you get one ? [i mean the red wolf >.<]
GothicVictorianNinja Report | 06/30/2010 9:05 am
You're Welcome o(^_^)o
GothicVictorianNinja Report | 06/30/2010 8:45 am
The market, just type in red wolf and look down the page should find it ^_^ it costs just under 50,000 kinda i think ?i got mine cheaper though.
GothicVictorianNinja Report | 06/30/2010 8:40 am
Yay im happy now, coz i was in a bad mood, but now im good ^_^ i own you one.
GothicVictorianNinja Report | 06/30/2010 8:34 am
aww thanks >.< you just made my day x i think you look pretty damn cool you're self. ^_^
GothicVictorianNinja Report | 06/30/2010 8:23 am
Doctor It Report | 06/29/2010 6:32 pm
Doctor It
(: Thanks.
Yours is pretty kickin' too.