
H . E . Y !

My name is Rinn <3 Also known as Lauren, Chibi, and Sage. Yes, I have lots of names. I love to do most anything, especially draw <3 I have a deviantart here -> Click me!. And yes I know I draw horses and cats a lot. Lol, they're really the only thing I can draw. And I also take lots of pictures ^^

I also love roleplaying/writing stories, so if you ever want me to join one of your roleplays, or want a private one, just PM me! I'll always answer a PM, so long as it's not spam. u.u

I'm a second year in Japanese, so I'm sorry if I use any Japanese words you don't know, lol. I do it in real life too, don't feel bad ^/////^

Anyway, that's all. So...

B. Y . E . B . Y . E !