I am Shadowmaster187. Most know me as Xaya. My have existed as a Gaian since the year 2005. I am an artist, a lover, and a friend. I am partially colorblind, as well as have ADHD. Most of the time I prefer the company of my friends and my pets, though occasionally i make the attempt to see my family. My parents are currently getting divorced. I like the colors red and blue, as well as the shades white, silver, and black. I love to roleplay, and love fantasy in all its aspects.

-Cookies/ Candy
-Gothic/Dark things
-Kittys <3
-Being cared about
-Wannabe gangsters
-Ignorance and disrespect
-Homophobics, Sexism, andRacism
Weakness to:
-Small Animals
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The Most unfair thing about life is the way it ends.