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Cynder_ Knightcross

Cynder_ Knightcross 's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/23


this is me, if u dont like me, then go ******** urself.

HIYA!! biggrin biggrin

I'm Brittany, Britt for short, I'm emo and loooove monster energy! >.< I love anime as well, and love writing! Yea, it must seem weird hearing an emo person being all hyped up right?? Got news, I'm an unusual emo! HA! I love to talk and have fun with people, i have an amazing bf who i love with all my heart. but i do get upset kinda easily, thus the emo side of me. I love Zelda as well and i'm a nerd. Whenever i'm on gaia and in town I'm sorta quiet and shy becuz i dont like approaching people i dont know, i let them come up to me and then i talk from there. My favorite color is black and i am a redhead!! biggrin if any of you guys or gals wanna txt me then you may, I love blood, but dont worry i dont bite wink I am straight and a loyal girlfriend so to the perverts out there, dont mess with me becuz I have the love of my life. OH btw i'm 15 going on 16 so yea. I do not like racism so i dont want any of that, byes for nows ppls 3nodding


Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.


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my awesome sisters I no in real life. Autumn, and Jessica!!!

my other account

I LOVE MY BABY! Colin Lucas McLaughlin, u are my one and only I love U, and forever i will

98% Of Teenagers Say "I Love You" And Don't Mean it. If U are the 2% that does, then copy and paste this on ur profile!


I love you

I love you too