
hamsterbag's avatar

Last Login: 05/29/2013 2:18 am

Registered: 02/27/2010

Location: Nowhere in particular

Birthday: 02/26

Personal Website


Hamster- small rodent with a short tail and cheek pouches.
Bag- handbag or piece of luggage.
Hamsterbag- a piece of luggage made for rodents with extra pouches for storing vital things that would often appear in a woman's handbag.


a little about me

"Learn from your mistakes and look to the future."

Sure i may be crazy with it, but at least i'm trying to get the job done instead of sitting about watching the paperwork pile up.

If you want an opinion, don't discard me. I won't give you the "everything is going to be alright" and i'll be honest with you

I like to look to the future with an imaginative and creative view of the world. I like to work out how things got the way they are instead of the actual details, often making seeming unrelated patterns amoung unrelated events.

I try my hardest to be honest, more than often speaking from the heart instead of the mind. I don't see things in black and white and can quickly get caught up in the moment by any feelings or impressions. If I could have my own way I would save the whole world, but I'm no super hero so I can only help those who I can connect with.

I don't like to leave questions unanswered- i'm always looking for an answer no matter how obscure it is. I analyse just about anything and go for the best decision for every one. You should of seen me when I'm given an scientific equation, I go ballistic!

And one final note... I have the potential to be crazy, quirky, weird 'n' wonderful and insane.

So, any questions?


View All Comments

linnaryn Report | 07/27/2012 5:17 am
I miss you Best friend!~ cat_whee
Akarin-sann Report | 04/14/2012 11:39 am
Hey Nice Art Work There.....Hamster...... cat_wink
Olsu Report | 06/02/2011 4:49 am
you've got some amazing art hamster! great job


Pray i'm not in underwear

All i want for christmas


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