Ello there ! ^-^ Im Samantha ; ( Just call me Sami o.e)First I ♥ being really random, so if you justt think im retarded for saying: " OMFG!!!!!!!!! A kitttyyy biggrin DD ommmmgg... wait no its gone sad " than your wrong. I just like doing stupid, freaky, and weird things so... CHEEEEESSSSEEE to you :p.
Also i always put a bunch of emotes when i type (annyoing yes. am i gonna stop though? NUI!)
ANyway. My hobbies? ummm....
poems... singing....kittehs! surprised oooOoOo.....friends ...flipping off strangers.. watching yaoi... ___o! . 4laugh
being a smart a**.... umm.... gymnastics... (CaRtWhEeLeS)... I suck at spelling.... OH and im not emo. or scene ( well i luvvv scene hair and clothes but thats beside the point) im not goth, punk, prep EW!, jock? well.. sports uh well does swimming count? lol. SO you see im not a label! So just keep your stamps and labels at the mall were they below on CLothes, and stuff. Anywayyyy!
0 ________ 0 holy shizz. I can SEE
(I have a imvu, facebook, myyearbook ,and stuff ^-^)
Well im just going on and OoooOOOoNNNNNNNnnnnn so.... Bye, and hope you sorta like my profile smile .
^y a o i i s Life^
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like i said
pinball hates me