Viewing AiYu Chan's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hey~ So, I'm known as Aiyu Chan on here for now.
I'd like it if you could just call me Yu-chan (short for Yuki, which translates to Snow in Japanese), or Ai (which translates to love in Japanese, and is my actual nickname in real life)
I'm 16, as of January, and currently have my G1. ^^ (I LOVE driving!)
I like playing a lot of different sports~ even if I'm not the greatest at it. xP
As for other interests,
I like:
~ Art- most forms and styles, it's freedom of expression, which is always important.
~ Rugby, Tennis, out door stuff
~ Chocolate milk
~ Strawberries
~ Books with a twist, and a deep significant meaning, some how relating to the corruption of humanity~
~ Anime (yupp, Ima geek ;D )
~ Manga ( more so than anime)

I love:
~ My friends
~ My family
~ Flaws - we all learn from 'em.
~ My boyfriend
~ Yaoi ( I don't specifically like Yuri, but I'm supportive of any sexuality. =) )
~ Fall, Winter, Summer <3 (not a huge fan of spring)
~ Thunderstorms, Rain, grey skies
~ Sunsets, sun rises
~ The Beach
~ Black roses

As far as dislikes, well there isn't really- nope, actually, that's a lie.
I dislike:
[x] Selfish people, ya we are all selfish at some points in our life, but those who are so focused on themselves seriously need to pick their heads out of their a*ses and grow up.
[x] Hypocrites~ again, nobody's perfect, but if you're always hypocritical it's just annoying
[x] Fish~ I'll eat it, but hate the huge ones- though I'm no wimp
[x] Tomatoes

Other facts:
I'm 5"6, with blue eyes, brown hair, and unnatural blonde streaks.
According to my friends and boyfriend, I can be such a tomboy. I get a thrill out of playing video games that I suck at, and spitting over overpasses. =P
I'm not super lady-like, but I'm still female. =D


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