
Jaronoid's avatar

Last Login: 12/22/2022 11:57 am

Registered: 06/23/2010

Gender: Male

Location: Ohio

Birthday: 01/07/1994

Occupation: Camp Counselor

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Mah Journehl.

This is where I'll be going to write random things when mah RPs slow down. Now, when YOUR RPs slow down, you can come here and read this. Then, we'll both be entertained.

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Things I want.

So many things.


A better singing voice.


A hug.

To make people smile.

To be able to fly. (Wings?)

To live on the beach.

To go camping.

To wear socks that just came out of the dryer. You know, when they're warm and fresh, and your lil' tootsies all go "ahhhh.."

To be famous, just to prove that not everyone who becomes famous acts like it.

To buy the new Sky Sailing album.

To meet Adam Young. <3

About Me (Stuff you don't need to know)

This needed to change, oh my gosh.

I'll get around to fixing this up eventually.

Rebooting Mutant Uprising in the mean time.

Comments (perhaps you'd like to leave one?)

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DisposedNut Report | 11/18/2014 3:20 pm
cool avi
ShadowOfIce Report | 09/20/2013 8:13 pm
Reading some old X-men comics, and it got me thinking of the ol' Mutant RP. xD
How ya doing!? Been awhile! *Hugs* Hope you're well. :3
xBlackAutumx Report | 10/14/2012 5:22 pm
hey what's up
how have you been
Obi Wine Kenobi Report | 03/14/2012 5:07 pm
Obi Wine Kenobi
Hollyyyy smokes!
Tres bien!
I am very impressed~ : D How that's working out? Are you nervous?~ O:
Obi Wine Kenobi Report | 03/13/2012 3:55 pm
Obi Wine Kenobi
..I'm still the biggest fan of your band.

debonair_Smiggles Report | 12/25/2011 8:01 am
hey, i read that you have a role play and i wanted to check it out! what is it called?
Skandi Report | 11/01/2011 10:11 am
Hayyyy, thanks for the comment mannn! 8D
Now I look like I have friends or something~ heart Hehehehh
xLady Blakeneyx Report | 10/15/2011 6:54 pm
xLady Blakeneyx
X3 I was hoping you'd say I could be in Chapter Two, there is no way at all for me to enter in right now. MUAHAHA---krm. I mean. Sweet.
I'll work on the character sheet--you'll have to give me a few days, though. My roommate just got here from Florida (I'm in Maine) so we've gotta spend a day or two getting the apartment filled with her stuff, and then I have to draw my characters. :]
If that's all good, then I'm all good. :D
xLady Blakeneyx Report | 10/15/2011 6:45 pm
xLady Blakeneyx
I'm very interested. :D To be honest, I've never done a mutant RP before... and it sounds thrilling. :3
I was wondering though, I have a habit of playing two characters at a time. Is that impossible? I was thinking a set of twins, brother and sister... ::ponders::
I just dislike playing only one or the other... Perhaps I'm weird. o_o; But I noticed on your front page that you're only accepting one more character... so, I thought before I got my hopes up, I'd ask. :]
xLady Blakeneyx Report | 10/15/2011 11:09 am
xLady Blakeneyx
:D Then I shall continue to not pester you!
[But not too much; I have an entire apartment to clean before my roomie arrives from Florida. :3 She'll be here in about 6 hours... six hours... entire apartment... I think it can be done!]
Ooo... I promise to check it out. I've never heard of an RP being written in chapters.... you've intrigued me!

My Signature

Quote me if you're looking for a response, I'm notorious for missing opportunities.
I'm a musician, a writer, and an Ohioan at heart.
A hipster by nature, and a lover of art.
A jack of all trades, but master of few,
an alright guy, with too much to do.[/size:b087cf230f]
I roleplay in Mutant Uprising as Drake Pelletier[/color:b087cf230f][/align:b087cf230f]


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