Isaac Shadow

Isaac Shadow's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 06/12


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Not much to tell. Just a bloke looking to have some fun.


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Smol-Chan Report | 08/01/2014 11:54 am
blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh
Everything came it and it's amazing! THANK YOU SO MUCH! biggrin biggrin mrgreen 4laugh
Smol-Chan Report | 07/29/2014 12:35 pm
Awesome! Thank you so much!
Smol-Chan Report | 07/28/2014 4:28 pm
I'mma send a PM with it.
Smol-Chan Report | 07/26/2014 7:13 pm
Smol-Chan Report | 07/26/2014 1:22 pm
You can get a charger with changeable heads on it, you can then use it for a whole bunch of different types of computers. This is the tablet link.
Smol-Chan Report | 07/24/2014 1:50 pm
Oh, it's fine. Just tell me when you do order it and how long it will take to get to my house. Just so I can know ahead of time.
Smol-Chan Report | 07/24/2014 6:43 am
Just wondering, I thought you did. sweatdrop
Smol-Chan Report | 07/23/2014 1:24 pm
Hey, when do you think the packages are supposed to get to my house.
Smol-Chan Report | 07/22/2014 5:04 am
I still want to date but slower. You don't need to come see me just yet. I think we should build on the time we actually talk like when we game and when we'll be playing D&D. You know?
Smol-Chan Report | 07/21/2014 4:05 pm
Welp, it's close to the two week mark and while I failed to meet a decent human being in tmat time. I did manage to get two tours booked at the college I'm going to. Turns out they're interested into have me attend and want me to be at tours so I can see where I'm going to working and things like that. I'm really excited about it, I just wanted to let you know how it's been the past two weeks. That's only the good side of the past two weeks too. On the other side, I was forced out of my house at 9 in the morning for an hour one day and then another day the police surrounded my house, chopter, k-9 unit and all after my brother ran from the ******** cops. So, that's been my past weeks. To be honest, I laughed really hard when the cops showed up cause I was about to play GTA 5 when they showe.d.It was funny to me, a bit ironic

LIfe is what you make it.



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