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Zathura Raine

Zathura Raine's avatar

Last Login: 01/29/2020 11:01 am

Registered: 07/19/2010

Gender: Female

Location: Gatineau, Quebec

Birthday: 02/18


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calisto91 Report | 10/28/2016 9:25 am
thank you very much for buying 3nodding
franny246 Report | 10/18/2016 2:56 am
thanks for buying biggrin
Angeluv Des Report | 09/24/2016 2:39 pm
Angeluv Des
Thank you for the purchase!
Thornkitty Report | 09/24/2016 12:54 pm
I appreciate the purchase! ^_^
sweets cheeks Report | 03/20/2016 2:08 pm
sweets cheeks
ty for buying my stuff
melon_berry1 Report | 11/20/2013 4:50 pm
Hmm, I keep hearing about the whole "Flynn's Booty" causing a ruckus about that; that's actually pretty dramatic change in price for what you're trying to obtain... ridiculous! scream Haha, but wow you make Canada sound balanced and really nice; I would appreciate all the four seasons, but basically was happens here in AZ is we have summer from March - October and then we have a fall feeling the rest of the year. Lame! D; As for things over here, I would say incredibly busy and almost insane! I have a little time for breaks here and there, but this has been a really tough school semester (but only 2.5 more weeks until it ends)! surprised
melon_berry1 Report | 11/16/2013 9:22 pm
Ah, you know, with the good old snooping on Gaia, I can see all! xp Just teasing, but that is really kind of you to donate so much Gold to someone; they owe you big time! x) Ooh, you're right; it can get pretty chilly depending on where you live... being in AZ though, I don't have to worry much about being cold at night! <xP So what else is happening? 3nodding
Urd Tanzanite Report | 11/15/2013 2:50 pm
Urd Tanzanite
Thank you for your purchase.
TxTiNK Report | 11/15/2013 2:26 pm
Thanks for shopping!! Have a Great Weekend!
melon_berry1 Report | 11/13/2013 5:13 pm
Ooh, I bet it did, especially when you donated a nice 1 million Gold not too long ago! x3 And haha, thankfully it does; there's just so much work every week it seems! Aww, I am sorry about your car, though... were you able to figure out the problem? Not too costly, is it? gonk
