Not much to say about me, I'm 21 and live in the Fredericksburg, VA area [representin' yo'].. getting over something that I wasn't aware I had sence the age of 14. My life means alot more now that I have an understanding of what is going on inside of my head. I enjoy hanging out with new people and partying it up, no matter how quiet I may be I'm usually always enjoying myself.
I was engaged on Dec. 6th, we then shortly after recieved the news that I was pregnant [thus wakeing my then fiancee up at 4:30 in the morning like a puppy] Married on Jan. 1st [yay!] Found out I was having a boy around June 15th, and then decided on the name of James Shadoe Alexander Gretiallat [mah new last name..whewt.]
So, around August 21st is when I'm expected to pop....Exciteing.
Update: I gave birth via C-section on August 18th at 12:29am to the most gorgeous baby around, I have some pictures of him up in my "Behind the avatar" Section, show him mad-mad baby luff in my comments!!!
Money does not go far to live and I cant workEDIT: I work again, I am a pharmacy technician again and I just got my state liscence again!....blasphamy!

<3 elmers glue and coupons as well as dragons, Jim<3, Shadoe <3 and snow globes. I am keepoing up halloween decorations, because, they kick that much arse.
And now, the face behind the avatar! Here are some links to a few images to Ze Herself and of her wittle baby, Shadoe!
Note the salsa stain [
Halloween 04' [
AMA 05'[
SHADOE! My bad attempt at a pretty piccy.[
Rocker Baby[
Panda Hat that I made <3[
Hubby & Baby[
~VIDEO~Shadoe rolls over @ X-mas, and you see ze in the red head band too XD [
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Shadoe in disquise, hopeing santa would be taking him back to the stable?[
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I love this one, him and his first teddy bear, Otis [liteally, he chose him.][
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Shadoe and my mom, I got thim this halloween hat/bib set :3[
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Halloween piccy I took of him as our pumpkin![
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Mojo, the sexyest knuffel out there, twin of peaches owned by the one and only Oni!![thanks for getting my mojo back :3]
Need some bumps? Get your arse in here.

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