Viewing Thirteenz's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Sometimes a person is best known as a mystery. If you want to learn more about me, perhaps you should dare to venture to:
The deep dark hole where my artwork lurks.
A bloodstained diary where my thoughts lay.
Or the newer diary with less blood.

I'm not a nice person.
But feel free to PM me should you wish to learn more.


Viewing 8 of 8 friends


Revo's Scribblebook

HI! I'm Revo, I'm a little bit spastic, a little bit insane and 100% f*****t. I probably won't use this much, I can't really concentrate long enough to remember. So uh thanks for checking out my deepest secrets and desires, buhbye!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Cloud W Strife

Report | 11/12/2009 8:58 am

Cloud W Strife

i saw ur redline in the works in progress art forum. pretty nice there.
i was trying to look for ur arts in the art arena but u did not submit anything. well i would love to see ur artworks tho~
ll Lady Arsenic ll

Report | 08/11/2009 12:13 pm

ll Lady Arsenic ll

well i all ready have a Bert background but i guess if u want to u can lol
ll Lady Arsenic ll

Report | 08/09/2009 6:05 pm

ll Lady Arsenic ll

Darth Dero Goi

Report | 07/13/2009 12:35 pm

Darth Dero Goi

Alright, will do. (: Thanks.
Darth Dero Goi

Report | 07/13/2009 12:29 pm

Darth Dero Goi

xD Good luck with that.
And yeah, I'll make an account tonight. I have to get off in about 5, 10 minutes since my dad should be coming home soon.
Darth Dero Goi

Report | 07/13/2009 12:17 pm

Darth Dero Goi

Never really went to either of them. I heard of Roliana, but not the other one.
Darth Dero Goi

Report | 07/13/2009 12:14 pm

Darth Dero Goi

xD Ahaha. I should make a mule with that username. But then it would probably be too long..

Aww. D: Leaving Gaia?
Darth Dero Goi

Report | 07/13/2009 11:24 am

Darth Dero Goi

The thing is though you just kinda never know if they're a fan unless they say so.
And I'm not exactly one to walk up to a random person and say "Hey, do you like Oomph!?"

So that's why I have "Dero Goi" in my username. (: It's subtle and people who recognize it for what it is.... well, they deserve a hug. xD
Darth Dero Goi

Report | 07/12/2009 11:14 am

Darth Dero Goi

I'm always filled with bubbly happiness when someone like you starts talking to me. xD
I don't find many Oomph! fans.

Report | 04/16/2009 11:40 pm


I'll give you 1500g for your human smoke bomb.


But by God, Eliot, it was a photograph from life.

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