Mistakenly 2

Mistakenly 2's avatar

Last Login: 06/09/2024 5:11 pm

Registered: 12/09/2005

Gender: Male

Location: Afganistan

Birthday: 06/19

Occupation: Army Solder


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DaisukeHiwatari Report | 06/21/2010 1:59 am
DaisukeHiwatari Report | 04/10/2010 2:48 pm
Awww what? No thankies for doing the annoying easter event for you Y_Y
Mistakenly 2 Report | 03/02/2010 6:47 pm
Mistakenly 2
Oii.... Yeah I'm using your account again. Now if you go to your invotory on your mule there's an item in there for your girl friend k. It's the little pony thing. It was a limited time item and I didn't know her account stuff so I just thought I'd get it on the mule for you. Ask her if you can if she wants me to watch her account too like I am for yours next time you get a chance k. Miss you bro
~ Brat
Mistakenly 2 Report | 02/23/2010 2:22 pm
Mistakenly 2
Hey Lil Man I just wanted to give you a heads up if you're on here. Yes I'm using your account lol. But anyways my main account got banned for a while or something. I didn't get hacked but I can't log back in with her till the admins give me the ok though email or something. It's on a temp ban for now till they get things all fixed.
DaisukeHiwatari Report | 01/20/2010 7:17 am
heeeeeeey.... I'm falling asleep here man.... hurry up and come back already......
DaisukeHiwatari Report | 12/30/2009 8:08 pm
I'm so happy to hear from you man!! I hope things are going good over there for you. How's the new girlfriend doing? Happy late Christmas and everything! It's going to be New Years eve soon here. I got some money saved up cause Matt's laptop's in the shop for another week. I'm getting a new one soon though. I got about 300$ saved up so far. I'm over at a friend's place right now. Someone I guess sent me a package over to our old house and I have to go and get it. Just to let you know if you send anything my address is changed. I'll be sending it to you in a PM k. I miss you man and stay safe k~ Miss and love you bro!
DaisukeHiwatari Report | 12/16/2009 2:27 pm
I miss you god do i miss you. Oh I got good news! I quit my old job sense they treated me like crap and only were giving me 3 hours a week. I work at a porn shop now making bank and getting great hours! I wish I gotten that laptop now with my last paycheck this way I could bring it to work and talk to you while I'm there. I still have the same old phone number too. I'm shocked you came on gaia man lol. Sorry I haven't been getting most of the newer items I've been so busy with work and everything. How're things going for you out there? Make any new pets that bite or sting while there? And who's the new chick? She sounds kinda cute! Got any pics of her? I miss you bro!!
Spectral Illusion Report | 12/16/2009 12:55 pm
Spectral Illusion
Good to hear! I'm surprised you have internet, that must be a relief.


Name: Jade S.
Age: OLD
DOB: June 19th, 19XX
Hair: Short Brown
Eyes: Blue/grey with contacts


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Mistakenly 2's journal

In a world full of death where do you find someone to love?



PKMN Breeder Tianna
Spectral Illusion
[NPC] Rufus the Cat
[NPC] Ian

I don't care what you think, I'm the best damn thing to happen to the world. SO DEAL WITH IT!!

OMFG! I'm gonna have a little sister! YAYYY!!!

Missing! Any information would help a sad soldier!