Mr. Stray

The Stray Dog's avatar

Location: Alaska

Birthday: 01/27/1996

Occupation: Lazy Hobo Robo Dog

Personal Website



I like Devilman, oldschool Megaman, and old timey swing music!
My favorite band is Oingo Boingo and several other very predictable megaman cover artists and 80s bands djsdgj Frank Sinatra is anybody's favorite. Devo's also a good favorite. ******** it,

As I mentioned, Devilman and Megaman-- I really like the oldschool style of cartoony Japanese art. One of my favorite artists of all time is easily Akira Toriyama, the creator of the Dragon Ball series. Though, can't say I'm too much of a fan of his writing.. ;_;'
Megaman has almost no writing, right? I like making everything out of nothing. Something puny. As people have made personal stories for every robot master, and others have sung songs about the sadness of Dr. Light, and the psychology behind Dr. Wily. I love it all.

Deadly Premonition I found to be an excellent game and a personal little holy grail. fdjkdfg
Silly, right? I happen to find Police Detective stories fascinating and my favorite passtime is watching bad 80's flicks (and loving every moment of it).
Perhaps I like the 80's a little too bit. I find the era absolutely fascinating, and for almost no real reason at all. It's just me and my nerdy obsession with corny movies and good tv shows.
Ah, 3rd Rock from the Sun was a good sitcom. Taxi and Frasier were excellent, too-- Didn't really like Cheers in comparison, personally.
Perhaps I'm just scared of the future. I keep finding myself subconsciously hating every pop song I hear with a modern tune and voice, when Weird Al covers them and makes me realize they're really not bad rhythems at all. Ah, devo, I should have known you'd use Autotune in your 2010 throwback.

.. Other than my obsessive nerdy interests that probably only entertains 2% of the population of GaiaOnline,
I find myself having a really optimistic view on things and people I view from a distance. Yet when I talk directly to them I find myself stuttering and avoiding any sort of emotional connection and I hate myself for that. I'm a casual, care-free guy-- I'm just not all that great at talking to people seriously.
I also like to think I have a really romantic and poetic way of looking at life. I find psychology to be fascinating and life to be wonderful.
All in all, I'm a really boring dude.

But, perhaps, there's something we'll find eachother talking about-- Games, MMOs, new Japanese pop hits. We'll just have to see, won't we?


I have almost no interest in the Gaia community. Thumbs me down if I deserve it, because I prefer it, don't be so conscious of being 'rude'.


Time to annoy you with autoplay.