
This profile isn't pretty. IDGAF.

Don't send me random PMs. If you want to say something to me, profile comment.

I'll ask you to be my friend; chances are I won't unless I know you IRL or you make a really good impression on me.

That's more than you need to know, have fun.



Where I piss and moan about things that don't matter.

It is me, after all.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Envoy of Void

Report | 06/23/2014 9:54 pm

Envoy of Void

Praise be to vibrators. xDDD
Envoy of Void

Report | 06/23/2014 9:26 pm

Envoy of Void

It's not like your bones are made of glass or anything!
Corinth Maxwell

Report | 03/30/2013 3:34 pm

Corinth Maxwell

cat_stare Ok, so.......I was totally planning on ambushing you with the usual bundles of huggles & snuggles, but your profile page took so damn long to load, I clicked over to other tabs & completely forgot that I was attempting to view your profile, and when I finally remembered that I'd opened your profile page in the first place, you had already logged out. cat_whee cat_stressed cat_burning_eyes cat_gonk cat_emo cat_sweatdrop heart
Corinth Maxwell

Report | 03/14/2013 7:55 pm

Corinth Maxwell

cat_stare I can't really be bothered to worry about anything released by EA anymore......it seems like they just churn out failure after failure every quarter or so, expect people to consent to "always playing online" and/or "pay extra fees for certain online content" just because of "pirates", and then they have the audacity to say it's the customer's (or a piracy group's) fault if a game ended up doing poorly in the long run, when they could've just as easily taken all the energy & effort they waste playing the blame game, and put it into actually making their games good & enjoyable for everyone from launch day onward. cat_talk2hand cat_stressed cat_evil cat_scream
Corinth Maxwell

Report | 03/14/2013 7:15 pm

Corinth Maxwell

cat_gonk Well, too bad you missed out on Gaia's 10th anniversary last month.......I would have definitely reminded you to log in every day for the prizes. cat_whee cat_sweatdrop heart
cat_ninja Also.......I've been working. I've been employed for the past three months or so at the local university, so that & playing "Spiral Knights" is keeping me rather busy these days. cat_burning_eyes cat_scream
Corinth Maxwell

Report | 03/14/2013 6:23 pm

Corinth Maxwell

cat_surprised *lunges & huggles you & wonders where you've been all this time* cat_whee cat_sweatdrop heart
Corinth Maxwell

Report | 09/23/2012 5:03 am

Corinth Maxwell

cat_blaugh *lunges & huggles & snuggles you before collapsing in his bed & going back to sleep* cat_whee cat_sweatdrop heart
Corinth Maxwell

Report | 09/12/2012 9:58 am

Corinth Maxwell

cat_whee So.......get a less-crappy phone, then? cat_xd That, and.......I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think you can use your phone to take pictures of things people would want & then automatically teleport a copy and/or clone of that which you've just taken a picture of directly to the person you want to send a gift to......*huggles & snuggles you anyway* cat_gonk cat_sweatdrop heart
Corinth Maxwell

Report | 09/11/2012 8:37 am

Corinth Maxwell

cat_blaugh *pokes & huggles & tickles & snuggles you because it was his birthday yesterday & you didn't get a chance to say "Happy Birthday!" to him if & when you were online at that time* cat_whee cat_sweatdrop heart
Corinth Maxwell

Report | 09/03/2012 11:17 am

Corinth Maxwell

cat_blaugh Oh, how I've missed this place. And now.......*smothers you in layers of hugglesnugglecuddlenuzzleclingstoyouuntillittlepinkandblueheartsfloataboveyourheads & then makes the walls, floors, and ceiling of your house, your profile, and any other room you walk into rain cupcakes, pies, and all other sorts of tasty treats because he'd missed your birthday* cat_whee cat_4laugh cat_xp cat_sweatdrop heart
yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_bacon yum_icecreampie yum_strawberrypie


[b:57195bfea0]I EET UR HART.[/b:57195bfea0][/size:57195bfea0]
Also, I'm addicted to Mass Effect. I even broke my rule and wrote a fanfiction (it sounds worse than it is... I think).