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Birthday: 09/01


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[ This account is currently dead.
I'll return occasionally, perhaps to update some things, but as for now, I am inactive. ]


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uzbeklstan Report | 06/15/2018 2:06 am
ngl i totally stop here like once or twice a year to reawaken long-slumbering anxiety from all the dumb s**t i did as a 12 year old
its probably bordering creepy that i keep commenting on my own profile but?? i dunno i guess i'm hopeful theres potential to catch up at any point
maybe to apologize for real now that i can form coherent thoughts but im pretty sure that kind of stuff is pointless
i hope ur doing well, i promise im not as depressing as all that sounds lmao
my main is osornatsu-san so i guess if for some reason you get the urge to talk with a real person and not some stupid kid u know where to find me
uzbeklstan Report | 12/14/2014 12:10 pm
wow I'm really stupid of course it was you
no s**t you avoided me cause you're supposed to steer around roadkill not go through it
i'm retarded bye
uzbeklstan Report | 10/22/2013 6:57 pm
[ i thought i found you, though i was mistaken. i still remember you, y'know.
i hope you're doing well. you still won't see this. hope is a burden if all it does is hurt.
i miss you.
i changed again for the holidays.
dumb, isnt it? i know.
please talk to me again some day.
maybe it was you... you didn't seem to remember me. i guess im wrong.
even if you dont respond, if you never see this, im glad you got away from all this.
it really is disgusting. like me. like i was.
what im sorry for is that in the end you were still driven away, maybe not by me but still.
im sorry. ]
Osornatsu-san Report | 07/20/2013 8:57 pm
[ Well, now it's
I should probably stop updating. It's useless and I'm just talking to myself.
But I guess there's still hope, right?

I'm sorry. ]
uzbeklstan Report | 04/28/2013 7:26 am
(( I don't know when the last time you were on was, but here, if you ever do return and wish to talk to me. Because I miss you. is my tumblr. I'm always there. I hope I can talk to you again one day. ))
uzbeklstan Report | 03/16/2013 12:14 pm
(( And amberblossom8 is my dA! I think I spotted yours but I wasn't sure... Nor was I brave enough to ask. My apologies. ))
uzbeklstan Report | 08/06/2012 1:13 pm
[ asdfgfdnooo--
Damn it.
See you, I guess... Too bad I can't actually contact you to say this.
It really is, isn't it?
Goodbye until later, friend. ]
qqqqjjjj Report | 06/25/2012 10:52 am
[ I'm sorry, I'll see you later... ]
qqqqjjjj Report | 06/25/2012 10:50 am
[ I've gotta go again becuase Kara's being a brat, but I'll return some day... - n -
This site is really depressing. ]
qqqqjjjj Report | 06/19/2012 7:07 am
][ Oh, wow. That's good. I guess the farther north you live the more preapred you are for weather like

Wow, you're really lucky. I hope after that night things got better. ][



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