The Taka lurks in the niiiiiiiight.
Name - Takako
Nicks - Taka, Ta
Nationality - Half Japanese/half Chinese
DOB - 1.30.89
Occupation - SENIOR in highschool.
Hobbies - Drawing, RPing, video games, karaoke, J-rock
Favourite Manga: ES21, Gintama, Fruits Basket
Favourite Video game: Currently Guitar Hero II
Favourite Bands/Artists: Gazette, D'espairsRay, Dir en Grey, Miyavi
[The Acid Rain]
.the toxic flower that blooms in the sky // it withers at the end of sadness.
the rain and the ash fell from the sky,
alone there rested a grave
alone there stood a girl
the rusty smell of incense rose to the sky in grey petals.

monochrome sekai by takako.
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