kaliningrad aph's avatar

Birthday: 05/09


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kolkolkolkolz Report | 08/31/2012 4:33 pm
privyet ^J^
Beethovens Fan Girl Report | 08/31/2012 6:39 am
Beethovens Fan Girl
Pryvitannie, Privet. c:
How are you...? =_=;;
I dunno whether to be nice or scary xD ))
M-Ukraine Report | 06/07/2012 10:36 pm
(( alright~~))
M-Ukraine Report | 06/04/2012 7:44 pm
Oh, well, I sometime don't get mine done either~ ^L ^;; -so unorganized- o L o nhm what that? -point to a mail-
(( should i set up some random story?))
M-Ukraine Report | 05/19/2012 4:44 pm
-Walk into Russia office and see you- Oh? Pryvit?


name: Kaliningrad (oblast)
name: Yuliya "Avilov" braginski
age: unown
birthday: december 25
hair color: grey
eye color:deep purple
height: 5'2



Ukraine: is very close to ukraine, and visits her alot,

belarus:kaliningrad is not very close to belarus.
Latvia: is good friends with him, however she tends to get him into trouble, shes helped him escape from her brother russia , however her attempts always fail and end up with brutal punishment from russia.

lithuania: works with lithuania and sees him as a brother, since she is next to the baltics and since he always helps her out of trouble.

background: kaliningrad was born in the ruins of the destroyed german city of konigsberg, russia adopted her into his family , later on, she become the deligate of the exclave of her oblast, kaliningrad is sent to live in the isolation of kalingrad after she helps latvia escape from russia's house for the 21st time, however lithuania talks russia into making her a suboordinate instead of banishment from the braginski family.



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