
Stoiicus's avatar

Last Login: 05/17/2024 2:09 pm

Registered: 07/18/2012

Gender: Male

Birthday: 10/11



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auntii Report | 03/08/2024 11:07 pm

omgggggg thank you so much!!! did you just happen to have it?? its never on mp
auntii Report | 03/07/2024 9:54 pm

I think if I look at the last of my dreamies its just The One True Moth. I just put in an offer for Rowdy Spring Tide bc what its listed at is literally half the plat I have lmao
Sinister_Bunneh Report | 02/01/2024 7:34 am
when you are missing those crappy chance loot boxes you know something is wrong with your system e.e
because sure, at least with those loot boxes you at least GOT SOMETHING, but just like how fall guys changed their stuff
you just lose all incentive to really play. and with OW events, they were so bad compared to OW1 because you didnt get anything
you couldnt work towards any other rewards you could ONLY buy things and that is bust when things were legit like 20$+ wahh D;

i have noooo idea of rhythm games, but i tried to look it up?
could it have been Pop'n Music ??
i also found this wiki article maybe you can scroll and find it, it has a lot of them if that one isnt it
Sinister_Bunneh Report | 01/27/2024 9:29 am
a rhythm game at a convention?
do you remember how it was played, maybe you can google the motion for it?
i know some games are like, with your hands or things like that.

OW was super fun though, it isnt the same how it used to be, which is a shame.
Sinister_Bunneh Report | 01/24/2024 2:11 am
mostly a pc gamer honestly
we have consoles, but mostly play on pc.

i mean..... technically there are guns in palworld, xDDDDDDDDDD

i would play OW but i done generally go for shooters otherwise.
Sinister_Bunneh Report | 01/24/2024 2:02 am
nothing too eventful
been working, and then playing palworld, haha.
today playing sun haven though, until i go to bed, cuz i have plans to play palworld with people later~
Sinister_Bunneh Report | 01/23/2024 12:56 am
hey no worries! reply when youre able and if you want to c:
thanks for the heads up! hope your wifi works again soooooooooon thats always the woooorst QQ
Cassiel Socks Report | 01/10/2024 10:24 am
Cassiel Socks
Thank you for your kind comment!
iGlide Report | 01/02/2024 7:43 am
listeeen fam
Lu Sosa Report | 01/01/2024 11:55 am
Lu Sosa
Happy New year!! Your new avi Is so cute!!
