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Lucky Pixels's avatar

Last Login: 09/03/2020 10:01 pm

Registered: 04/20/2006

Gender: Male


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About Me

yo, call me rodi or lucky or whatever.
i’m not actually a dude but idk if i’m rly a girl either i’m still figuring s**t out.
they/them is fine

so this website was a trash fire for a while but i logged in and didn't log out again immediately so i guess i'm here forever now. sup.

i draw and things but yo, i'm so lazy so i'll put a link to my art or something later.

how do you people even write bios anymore. idk what to say.

i like ygo? i guess? and tales games. if you talk to me about symphonia i'll prob nut.

note: i do not accept random friend requests or begging.


View All Comments

gloomy_jojo Report | 12/27/2019 1:59 pm
Just saw your entry in the runway and wanted to say that I love your avi!! heart
Mercurio DeRosa Report | 12/17/2019 11:59 am
Mercurio DeRosa
I love your bull man
Saffron Canbeaboynametoo Report | 11/29/2019 7:59 pm
Saffron Canbeaboynametoo
Oh maaaaan, why am I not surprised but also disappointed... lol
Wait, NONE of the main cast?! But... like... that's what I liked about that game. gonk
Saffron Canbeaboynametoo Report | 11/29/2019 7:46 pm
Saffron Canbeaboynametoo
Plz talk to me about Tales of Symphonia, I haven't played that game in forever and now I need to gonk I never played the sequel, was it any good?
Mercurio DeRosa Report | 11/11/2019 11:14 am
Mercurio DeRosa
Mercurio DeRosa Report | 11/09/2019 2:02 am
Mercurio DeRosa
I need to remember runway exists
I used to have a lot of fun with it
Not so much these days
Mercurio DeRosa Report | 11/08/2019 4:14 pm
Mercurio DeRosa
I’ve been enjoying your beefy boy avies
current obsession Report | 11/06/2019 8:39 pm
current obsession
brooooo i didn't log in a couple of days so i didnt see it right away but that lil drawing of my demon avatar WAS SO FKN DOPE YOOOO and i wanted to thank you but didnt want to necro that thread so thank you !!!! i love itttttt!!!!
UniiVinez Report | 10/29/2019 7:03 pm
Thanks for buying! yum_pizza
Slapatata Report | 09/28/2019 11:43 am
Thank you for buying heart


( they/them )

check out my store?

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please help me find these items!


i see you

r z r b l d on 02/20/2023
Dweebulous on 07/06/2020
gloomy_jojo on 12/29/2019
SpongyFrog on 12/09/2019
Pistol Kiss on 11/29/2019
TokoPetit on 11/29/2019
NakedUnicornSexParty on 11/25/2019
DatBetch on 11/25/2019
Drugasm on 11/13/2019
H34LTH on 11/11/2019
current obsession on 11/06/2019
Bonzai-Sama on 11/05/2019
Vxce on 10/30/2019
UniiVinez on 10/29/2019
Serenity Uzaki on 10/27/2019
UNDER ORANGE SKIES on 10/21/2019
Syvi on 10/20/2019
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