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Angelic Orgasms Report | 07/14/2021 8:34 am
Angelic Orgasms
Oh how your message perked me up! I missed you oh sooo much! Can't remember where we last left off but I sent you a Gift or maybe several idk. THAT much time has passed & I hope you are doing well. Gaia is flooded with Inflation making it extremely difficult to offer on Items. Even when offering double to 5 times the ABP they still say no, I'm starting to doubt how greedy really is the userbase? Life's a nightmare on here, you haven't missed much. The Community for the most part I'm seriously thinking is killing the site themselves with their nonsense. Losing my faith...but I will never give up on you! How's Life?

Much Love & Blessed Be MY Love!
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Obsessive God Report | 05/14/2021 6:33 pm
Obsessive God
HIIII OMG YOUR AVATAR!!! I really like it! btw I'm vegan for the animales
Angelic Orgasms Report | 05/07/2020 1:52 pm
Angelic Orgasms
Happy Birf'day to my love & Wifey FOREVER! Hope IRL you have the Blessed of Blessed days imaginable! Drink/Smoke one for me as I shall do the same for you! Hope you are ok among this Corona thingy. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Angelic Orgasms Report | 04/09/2020 10:28 pm
Angelic Orgasms
I noticed you have the Angelic Items i wear on my base Angel Avi on your Wish List, so as the bestest Gaia Wifey you could ever want...along with the Angelic Halo I decided since you had the other Angel Items as Wanted i figure i spoil you with all these to complete the look! Now you have pretty much the complete set! Other than the Scarf as i never really liked it. But from Halo to Anklets we can now be twinsies! Blessed Be from the Angelic Treasury! It pleasures me greatly to see you cherish the Halo, consider it a "Wedding Ring" among the two of us...if we already stated that in a previous discussion I apologize in advance, oh how I've missed you greatly!! User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Kecitich Report | 04/07/2020 10:59 pm
oops, I forgot to post the item link
Kecitich Report | 04/07/2020 10:58 pm
I have bought few hundreds of these xd I wanted to see what we can got in these.

5 platinum an item, 25 platinum ones has 5 items in them, literally the same things. But I kind of like the 5 platinum one (Ye Olde Trunk of Forgotten Things) better as it gives evolving items more often.
Kecitich Report | 04/07/2020 10:52 pm
Thank you dark miracle for praising my avatar style.
We all have cool choices to wear whatever we like, I love Nartian Rock very much, I have recently discovered an item (Ye Olde Trunk of Forgotten Things) that is cheap and yet have chances to get Nartian Rock from it, though, we have to clutter our inventory with more junks...

I love your diedrich madness on your avatar too. lol. All those rat/rabbit like creatures in front of the rainbow. mrgreen
Kecitich Report | 04/01/2020 11:05 am
RIP to your beloving dog... I did not know u have a dog too... sorry crying
I r i y s Report | 03/23/2020 7:18 am
I r i y s
Haha very cute and festive biggrin Take care during the craziness!
KnightKaramatsu Report | 03/15/2020 11:46 pm
Oooh! I love pastels!

Maybe use a bunny base for your paw avvie? I don't really know what items there are for paws because I mainly stick to human avvies.


Name: Ley M. (Leh-ee)
Instagram : ley.vegana
V E G A N Gaian

Happily gaia married to the best form of love known to this gaia existence,
gaia_diamond my lovely Angelic Orgasm. gaia_kittenstar gaia_angelright

Struggling Artist, so check out my store and help me maybe? :
15% Goes To Saving Local Animals

Currently self-learning JPnese, ask me about this!

Bithday: May 7th - Gaia birthday: Friday, April 21, 2006 ('03 avi b4)

~ iTropical ~


emotion_bigheart Let's be friends! emotion_bigheart


I love creepers ~

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relax to this

Angelic Orgasms

"Live & let live"