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  • [Animal] Pink Star Cookie

    From Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong


Bunlieve's avatar

Birthday: 06/21


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Good day to you, I am Bunlieve!

I don't know how you got to my profile or why you went to my profile. I may have said something stupid in the forums, or maybe something helpful. (I tend to go both ways depending on my mood.) Or, you are a member of the CIA trying to check up on me because someone or someTHING spread a rumor that there is gonna be a bunny invasion soon. Promise, something like that will NEVER happen. yum_icecreampie

Regardless why you are here, I just want to say welcome! yum_puddi I am an on and off user of Gaiaonline, and I tend to lurk the fourms on this website. I am also a artist who is slowly transitioning into YouTube because I always wanted to narrate stories which I create, voice, and draw for. Its a great amount of work, but PLENTY of satsifaction. As of October 2019, I am still getting projects set up, but you are welcome to check out my YouTube here yum_whitestrawberry I got a small Minecraft series (For practice's sake) and my first story posted. I have a long ways to go learning how to edit, how to record properly, and improve my art. I am 100% grateful for any support or encouragement.

Other than that, I am someone who loves animals, and I will probably always be an animal on this website, but I am no ways thinking I am lower than those pesky hoomans! (Just kidding, you are all awesome.) I generally enjoy learning history, science on my downtown and giving helpful advice. (Which asked of course. That is why the forums are great for me.)

I recently got into going to the gym and getting into shape, which has been quite exciting for me. So I might gained a other hobby.

Anyways, I think that is all I need to share right? Got any questions, feel free to send a PM or comment. Thanks for visiting.


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A starry feel

Be patient, and be kind. Opportunities always favor those elements.


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Evoii on 11/20/2019
Silox_Silvermane on 11/19/2019
Pride The Homunculus on 10/31/2019
jiaozii on 10/22/2019
HEY PANINI HEAD on 10/12/2019
Shandian on 10/02/2019

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Leiannore Report | 11/05/2019 5:57 pm
cute ghost avi! oh -- btw, your link to your youtube doesn't work o.o
Pride The Homunculus Report | 10/31/2019 6:13 pm
Pride The Homunculus
Cute avi! heart
HEY PANINI HEAD Report | 10/12/2019 10:59 pm
Your avi is so cutesy

If you don't have a passion in life, the one thing I learned is to really take good care of yourself. Your life is important, so keep the mindset that you are important, and not insignificant.

Healthy Food - Good Hygiene - Exercise Often - Clean Home - Save Money - Socialize Often - Try New Stuff - Journal - Forgive Yourself