That's me, yo!

Mara Earth's avatar

Last Login: 11/14/2021 2:13 pm

Registered: 06/06/2006

Gender: Female

Location: In my pocket

Haruhi is a .BARLOW. .GIRL.

Tamaki, you Womanizer.



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Suites Birthday Fairy Report | 05/24/2010 1:30 pm
Happy Belated Birthday

From the Suites Birthday Fairy
Foreruner217 Report | 11/22/2009 2:54 pm
Congrats.... you won the war.
tuckin fypo Report | 11/12/2009 4:20 pm
ahaha thanks (:
tuckin fypo Report | 11/11/2009 3:09 pm
Nice Avatar ^_^
Foreruner217 Report | 11/05/2009 3:43 pm
So how the realm of S.I.N. for ya?
Foreruner217 Report | 11/01/2009 6:11 pm
So how was Halloween for ya?
Foreruner217 Report | 11/01/2009 3:19 pm
Nice avi~! (Grr.... S.I.N. follower.)
Foreruner217 Report | 08/11/2009 1:39 pm
School starts tommorow!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Foreruner217 Report | 08/10/2009 10:34 am
Yeah! So am I! I just hope it wasn't last year like where you were in my 5th hour, and then you got switched.
Foreruner217 Report | 08/10/2009 9:36 am
School's on Waednesday! I can't wait! smile

extra special blahblahblah

Welcome to the homepage of Mara Earth! This is mainly where I am online, and where you can contact me the most.

I am not your typical teenage bratling. I love all thing Japan, espcially a little thing called ANIME AND MANGA!! I grew up with my freakishly wierd parents, and my WoW addict of a sister (that only happened in the last year). I do live in the good ol' US of A, although, where in the giant country, I am not spilling.

I love music, my friends and cooking. People who go to my Wednesday night groups think that I make the best brownies. Seriously guys, I make it from a mix. I listen to practically anything, from Superchick, to Linkin Park and Papa Roach, and I even listen to an artist called Keny Arkana. It's called Youtube, look her up.


Meh. Just pretend I said something witty here.

Random hugs cheer me up.