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Gildreon's Life

Well, this is basically a journal about me, my family, my friends, and school.



Gildreon's avatar

Last Login: 03/17/2021 1:32 pm

Registered: 06/29/2006

Gender: Male

Location: Somewhere in the Milkyway Galaxy

Annie Waits

Just Some Details

Well, how to begin? Lets see...

Wow, a lot of things have changed. Some times its hard to believe that around four years have passed since I first joined Gaia. In that time, I've managed to graduate and get accepted into college, work a lot of things out in my life, and come up with twice that amount in questions. The world is indeed a fascinating place.

I may not be as active as I used to be, but Gaia has always been one of my favorite places on the web. The people can be amazing, and there are a lot of memories. Kind of silly when you take in account that it is just a website, but hey, I can deal with that.

Well, the best of wishes to all. ^^


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Maze Report | 04/21/2013 12:20 pm
It's been even longer now. I hope you're enjoying exploration in the real world as much as you enjoyed doing it on Gia.
taxidermy jesus Report | 08/30/2011 11:46 pm
Just an annual reminder that you are super cool.
The Old Exorcist Report | 05/29/2011 11:43 pm
Hey, Gildreon! It's been a while!
Eldroot Report | 12/18/2010 11:47 am
Happy day of birth!

Ficchu Report | 08/10/2010 1:26 pm
As weird and serious as my last post in the Dear Diary thread was (the one about killing the clones), I decided to put that plot on hold for further notice and instead do something funnier, like job searching. Why? Because I miss the silliness.

Maybe Valgaror will unleash another zombie apocalypse if we ask nicely enough.
Ficchu Report | 08/10/2010 1:01 pm
If you're trying to catch up by reading Dear Diary posts, I imagine it could take a while.
Ficchu Report | 08/10/2010 12:53 pm
(Just so that last comment doesn't seem completely out of the blue, I used to be Dr. Question.)
Ficchu Report | 08/10/2010 12:33 pm
The Old Exorcist Report | 08/05/2010 7:29 pm
Heh, that isn't so long, but a lot changes in a year, doesn't it? Still, hell, it's good to see you back.
The Old Exorcist Report | 08/05/2010 7:25 pm
It's good to see you back, I've missed that explorer persona you have, heh. How long have you been gone? I think I've gone and lost count...

Welcome to my profile! :D