

my name is Katy.
i'm slowly getting back into role playing.
i work a lot, so I love patient people when it comes to posting.
i have an instagram, where i post lots of pictures of my kitties, and occasionally my nails.
i like to laugh at every day life and tend to make jokes a lot.
my favourite thing to do is laugh.
i play video games sometimes; final fantasy, assassin's creed and league of legends happen to just be a few.
i'm in my mid twenties.
i have two bachelor's degrees.
i'm eventually going to bust my a** and go to law school.
i'm pretty chill, so as long as you are too, we'll get along great.

let's be friends. c:
_ _ _ _ _

Hallelujah! Let there be avi art~ >3

Drawn by the magnificent Torishu! ;D

Drawn by iFreakdom! ;D

Drawn by Rawrella! ;D

Drawn by Soul.Soul. ~! Go and buy arts from herrrr! ;D She's amazing.


Kateh's Journal! ;D

Secret Secret;; Everyone Lies.

-Stories -Poetry -Random rantings. Many things I plan to put in here, and in time, I shall. Read it if you like. :3


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/18/2015 3:30 pm


Mana_ecl Zetsuya

Report | 02/21/2014 12:52 pm

Mana_ecl Zetsuya

Names! That's just the problem!!!! We haven't talked in foreverrr!

Report | 02/20/2014 12:08 pm


I have got to go!!!!! It sounds super fun!

^^ I'm glad you're doing good, too!!!!
Mana_ecl Zetsuya

Report | 02/20/2014 10:09 am

Mana_ecl Zetsuya

Who were you?!? xD

Report | 01/17/2014 11:20 am


Ouch! Sorry to hear about your knee! But an icewine festival?! That sounds so cool!

I've been good. Actually just got in to a university. Been busy with that, but I like it. I'm trying to get back into role playing xD

Report | 01/15/2014 4:33 pm


Girl, I saw you came back to life!
How you doing?!
Tainted Tarts

Report | 12/14/2013 11:34 pm

Tainted Tarts

That's what happened with my EI collection. Everything just shot up 6 times their previous prices.
But the good thing is, the "rare" items are more possible to get n.n still in a huge price though.

Thanks a lot. You guys have always kept me going. I'm just observing EI prices before I give it another go, but for now I'm after the non-EI's that I've wanted along the way.
Thank you so so soooo much! <3
Tainted Tarts

Report | 12/13/2013 10:33 pm

Tainted Tarts

I don't know where to thank you, so I came to your profile to say thanks! THANKS A LOT! You really surprised me, thanks for making My Friday the 13th better <3
Tainted Tarts

Report | 12/02/2013 4:04 am

Tainted Tarts

Thank you, thank you so much for helping me out with my quest! heart heart heart
Mysterious Sign Painter

Report | 09/20/2013 9:19 pm

Mysterious Sign Painter

Really soon, I just have to get a few things done first.
Hehe I can't tell youuuu c:



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my inbox likes to eat message sandwiches.