The Katastrophe

The Katastrophe's avatar

Last Login: 06/30/2013 10:00 am

Registered: 07/20/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


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Like whoas...when was the last time I updated this thing? *blinks and scratches head* Too long, me thinks. Well my good friends, I am pleased to announced that this profile was finally updated on July 17, 2010! Wootness! ^^ So yeah, welcome to my domain. Make yourselves at home.

~*NOTICE*~: If I don't reply to your messages right away, it usually means I'm really busy at the moment. If it takes me forever to reply to one of your messages and I'm online, I'm not being anti-social; I'm just being lazy...feel free to poke me if I'm procrastinating too much. XD

About me

-20 years old
-5'6 in height (yes, I know I'm short...but I'm still growing!) (I'm not growing anymore... *sniff*)
-has light brown hair that turns slightly aubrun in the summertime (As you can probably guess, I'm very proud of this because I was born with red hair...then it turned brown. u_u)
-has brown eyes that change from chocolate brown to caramel, depending on the season
-is British, Irish, Scottish, Welsh(on my dad's side), Russian and Ukrainian(on my mom's side) Also I may be possibly German. ;O
-has two older half brothers and a older half sister(they're in their mid-twenties to early thirties)
-is Canadian(from Ottawa! Woot! ^^)
-real name is...tleakenh (Haha, you'll never know! >=D Unless you know me really well, I'm likely not giving away my real name.)
-is Christian (yup, yup...I was baptized when I was three months old. =P)


-reading(Fantasy novels mostly, but sometimes bestsellers too)
-writing(I'm writing my own story that I wanna publish! Whee! =D)
-sleeping(That's a hobby...right? O_o)
-playing games(Final Fantasy mostly, sometimes Kingdom Hearts, or other RPGs)
-watching anime(People show me episodes on their IPods, I don't watch TV on my own, personally)
-being on Gaia(Whenever I can, really...I'm busy, you know!)
-playing my clarinet(If it doesn't annoy me. u_u)

Things I love...

-Summer (I love warmth ^^)
-God (*MEGA HEART* <3!)
-Being around people and also having time to myself (I need to think alone, you know?)
-Anime (I don't watch a lot, but yeah...refer to what I said above...XD)
-My family (They're all so damn important to me...I couldn't live without them.)
-Roleplaying (Woo~! PM me! XD)
-Random PMs (They make me feel all squishy inside. =D)
-Music (I'll refer the types of music and bands I love in the music section, mmkay?)
-Playing RPGs (...yes I'll admit it. XD)

Things I hate...

-Noobs (No, not newbies...retarded people who can't obey the Terms of Service and stuff like that. u_u)
-Rain (I hate getting wet...XP)
-Snow, ice, winter (I can't stand the cold...and yet I live in Canada. XD)
-Sports (I'm terrible at them. ><; )
-People who are racist, sexist, insult other people's beliefs and values...stuff like that (And I also throw tomatoes at people like that. <_<; )
-Onions (They burn my eyes...x_x)
-Stuck-up rich snobs (Yeah yeah, we all know you're wealthy so STFU. D<)
-Wet socks (They feel very uncomfortable... =/)
Things that are soggy (Food, weather, people, it doesn't matter. Sogginess = UNCOOL.)
-Zelos of Meltokio Haha, I kid. You're amusingly annoying but I love a friend. XD

My Story

A lot of people have been coming to me recently and asking for a description of my story. I am often too busy to give them a quick description (because my story's a little on the complicated side ^^; ) so I have decided to place the description below here. PM me if you want me to send you chapters. n_n

Aileen, a 13 year old ordinary girl, lived an ordinary life in an ordinary city with her mother. She had ordinary friends, went to an ordinary school, and believed that everything in her life would remain ordinary. That is, until one day, when she goes to a best friend's birthday party, mysterious circumstances occur and suddenly, life doesn't seem so ordinary anymore, especially when a mysterious stranger comes for you in the middle of the night, claiming to be a friend of your dead father. Now, being transported to an alternate dimension, she soon discovers she isn't ordinary and quickly learns of her role in a dangerous plot that threatens her world, as well as the other one. What is unknown to her, however, is a fate that lies in hiding at the end of her journey...

Whoa! I finally made the second story description too! It's called Doomed and Deadly:

A year has passed after the nerve-wracking events in the Other World, Aileen Moore has remained in the Real World all this time, trying to forget about the Other World. However, she can't stop thinking about it, and a part of her wants to return. This all changes when she hears about an immenint(sp?) plague that threatens to kill everyone in the Other World, and a prophecy from a soothsayer that speaks of her purpose in life. Already things are starting to happen; the Black Angel is back and is seemingly behind another scheme, a refugee wizard has finally come out of hiding, the barrier around the Other World is weakening...Aileen must be ready to face all this chaos, even if it costs her her own life.

Alright, I'm on a roll! I got another sequel to the one above! It'll be called Silence Before the Storm:

For Aileen Moore, the passing year felt like a day. Now, to her, every second felt like an eternity. For on the Devil's Day she will be forced to come face-to-face with the past, the present, and the future of her own life. Can she really sacrifice herself to banish the Black Angel and all evil once and for all? Aileen's strength will be put to the test when she faces her nemesis in one final well as her dark past.

Favorite School Subjects

-Creating writing (Writer's Craft, poetry, short stories...the good stuff, you know? ^^)
-Visual Art (I love drawing...when I'm in the mood. XD Painting I find also relaxs me when I'm stressing over exams. ><; )
-Drama (It makes me very very hyper. O_o)
-English (As long as the teacher's good at the subject and the book we're reading isn't boring, I'm okay! XP)
-Spanish (¿Hablas espanol? =O I find it's waaay easier than French, but that's just me. =D)
-Music (Whee...I play the clarinet. XP And I have been taking private violin lessons for a year now. I'm not as good with it as I am on clarinet, but it's a work in progress. ^^)
-History (Same as English, except without the book. The teacher has to make it interesting, or else I fall asleep. ><; )

Most Hated School Subjects

-Math (Ugh...I can't stand it! ><; It can get soooo complicated. DX)
-Science (Same as the above, except 10 billion times more boring. =P)
-Geography (Booooring. -_- And very repetitive...I dunno...maybe it's just me? =O)
-Tech/Computers (...The only thing I can do with a computer is go on Gaia and check my email. XD)


Music is my life. Music keeps Sheena sane. Music is my anti-drug. XD Anyways, I'm heavily addicted to music. There are three basic types of music I like: classic rock, gothic rock, and techno. Yes, I know I'm a bit odd. ^^; But that's okay; we are all strange in our unique little ways. =P Anyways, here's a list of some bands/songs I really like:

-Within Temptation (They're a Dutch gothic rock band. They're not mainstream, but I love their music soooo much, I'm like obsessed. XD)
-Evanescence (They're good too, but for some reason, I like Sharon den Adel; the main vocalist of Within Temptation, better than Amy Lee. I dunno...though Evanescence's slow songs are nice.)
-Cascada (Her techno makes me hyper...I can only listen to her when I'm full of energy. XD)
-Utada Hikaru: "Simple and Clean" (This song is from the first Kingdom Hearts...another pop song I will tolerate. It's even better in the techno remix. =D)
-Utada Hikaru: "My Sanctuary" (This song is from Kingdom Hearts 2. It's not a pop's a bit like a techno but not quite...I don't know what it is. O_o)
-Nightwish: These guys are hotness! I love both Tarja and Anette as singers. =D This band's style is a mix of symphonic rock and operatic metal. Totally hardcore. It's too bad that they don't exist anymore...;-;
-Lacuna Coil: Two words: awesome possum. XD
-Game Music from Final Fantasies and Kingdom Hearts (and their remixes too ^^)
-GACKT! I love this man, despite his oddities.
-Bump of Chicken is pretty cool too. They did the opening song for Tales of the Abyss, you know.
-ON/OFF. Teh awesome twins. x3


While I'm on Gaia, I quest for many items I desire...but I usually spend the money I've saved up on something else. ._.; But sometimes I'll actually finish the quest if it's something I really what. Here are the updates of my current quests:

It's all in my wishlist. Yep.


[*The Katastrophe*]


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*~Curiousity Towards the Unknown~*

HAH! I remember that scene from Tales of Symphonia, when Sheena yelled at Zelos for peeking at her while she was in the shower! XD Good times...


View All Comments

Temporarily Schizophrenic Report | 02/19/2011 8:56 pm
Temporarily Schizophrenic
Looking forward to it.
Temporarily Schizophrenic Report | 02/19/2011 10:26 am
Temporarily Schizophrenic
Really love the avatar.
Temporarily Schizophrenic Report | 09/28/2010 2:40 pm
Temporarily Schizophrenic
Miss yew!
Tentacat Report | 09/08/2010 2:02 pm
-licks your brain- ^w^
Temporarily Schizophrenic Report | 09/05/2010 7:12 pm
Temporarily Schizophrenic
Which sucks, considering that Theresa was talking with him. Or you can have Medelyn go off on Theresa about something? o.o
Temporarily Schizophrenic Report | 09/05/2010 6:36 pm
Temporarily Schizophrenic
Nah, it's all good. we all get it and understand, so do not worry. And it is your roleplay. Do not apologize. Never. xD

Also, as far as Medelyn goes, make it something devious. Considering Abel learned what his new organs can do for him and he plans on burning half the city to the ground.
Temporarily Schizophrenic Report | 09/05/2010 6:05 pm
Temporarily Schizophrenic
Welcome back to the world of online, life-wasting roleplaying.
Temporarily Schizophrenic Report | 08/25/2010 6:19 pm
Temporarily Schizophrenic
hope you feel better soon.
Mydarisis Report | 08/16/2010 9:59 am
lol that I am xD I'm only on till this movie is finished torrenting.
Temporarily Schizophrenic Report | 08/14/2010 7:57 am
Temporarily Schizophrenic
Courtney is scared that she cannot trust herself if we go to different colleges. Not only that, but she has always wondered what it meant to be with other people, considering she dated Johnny for a short amount of time and otherwise she has only known a life with me. And I am scared that if she decides to date someone else, just to see what it means, I'm terrified that she will be happier and not come back.


"Clawing up my eyes,
I'm feeling your arms around me
on the other side.
It's time to go,
I'm hearing your voice
without words
on the other side. "

-Lacuna Coil

Invite me to your roleplay, but not to your roleplaying guild. Sorry. I don't do guilds anymore. :/


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