
Hello, and welcome to my page.
I'm Naiyala, but you may call me Nai. Calling me anything else may get you punched (unless we're close and we know each other well enough).
I'm in my mid-20's (I will not specify, so don't bother asking).
I'm happily taken by the most wonderful man in the world.
I will say this now, I do not accept random friend requests. If I don't know you or haven't talked with you before, I will just reject the request.

I'm an artist who's still learning and figuring out her own style. I don't really take classes for it (though I probably should). I can be inclined to draw for others, but I'm a very busy chibi so I may not be able to do so.

There's not really much else I can think of to put here, so I'll update this again whenever I can remember to do so. Xp