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Iwakami Tatsurou no Kanai
Nero no imoto-chan^^
Kuon no musume
Age: 15
Eyes: Green& Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Henght: 165cm
Weight: 54kg
(Same as Miku)
Place of Birth: Hangarii
Place of Live: Nihon
Job: a "Hitwoman" from Japan, moved to Hungary /wanted/
Guitarist of Tiara Saseko heart

heart heart My Brother heart heart
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Smiley Bro
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Funny Bro
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Smokin' Bro
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Talkin' Brother heart my fav.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Phoning me mad d

heart Favorites heart
Red& Black /fav. couple/
Rainbow /means: all colors in the world/

Tabako, Rice, Chinese foods, Fruits /apple, grape, cherry/, But I hate eating

Red wine, Beer, Grape grape /white wine& grape juice/, Vodka, 100% Fruit juice

4laugh Japanese: 4laugh
Alize Marie, Antic Cafe, BUCK-TICK, BUZZLIP, Deadman, D'espairs Ray, Dir en Grey (the old beautiful days, I hate what they doing now->s**t), Gazette, GO!GO!7188, HIDE, Ichigo69, Kagerou, Kagrra, Kana, Lolita23q, Merry, Molmott, MUCC, Nightmare, Orange Range, Pierrot, Psycho le Cemu, Rentrer en Soi

blaugh Punk: blaugh
Casualties, Chaos UK, Exploited, GBH, Ramones, Sex Pistols, The Offspring

xd Others: xd
Fort Minor, Gorillaz, Linkin Park, Massive Attack, Nine Inch Nails, Prodigy, The Cure

4laugh Anime/Yaoi: 4laugh
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Ai no Kusabi, AIR, Angel Santury, Bleach, Blue Gender, Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball, Final Fantasy, Gravitation, Naruto, Noir, Poison, Read or Die, Sailor Moon, Saiyuki, Slayers, Trigun, Paradise Kiss, Yami no Matsuei, Yu Yu Hakusho, Zetsuai Bronze

-Cute things
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-Safety Pins, Buttons
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-Flowers /Gerbera, Hibiscus, Rose, Bonsai/
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-The Moon, Clouds, Sun, Wind, Mars /planet/
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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
-The night
Even if I broke, say, you wouldn't understand, would you?
It's to the point where I don't understand you anymore...

Because we, a perfectionist's defective products,
Are really alike, somehow I could feel it

Look, the unbrave kitten is fastening its claws
Although it was too early for it to be alone

The time that washes away everything
I want it to drown and dry me up, so much that it's scary
I can see between my dirty fingers
My distorted love and the wrenched night

I don't want to go home, I don't want to go home
All I want now is to sleep
My debilitated good sense
Is now melting into the night

Looking at the waning moon, I get distracted
"How much is that beautiful stone?"

The memories that stain me to the tip of my fingers
Continue to overflow until I lose my mind
I scream out like I had gone mad
And everything starts running idle

I want you to forgive me, I want you to forgive me
I say it over and over like I was spitting it out
Dancing clumsily under the street light
A swallowtail butterfly

I lied to you
A single lie

Singing, Play the Guitar, Drawing, Reading, Watching Animes or Xtra Cool Japanese films, Doing Funny things, Be Happy, Play the harmonica (I can play some MUCC songs like: 1979, Kimi ni sachi are, Robaato no teema, Kokoro no nai machi and Mae e /but this2 is a bit hard/)

I hate when I feel unhappy and I'm alone! I don't want to be depressed! sad
In my dark room, I sing a lullaby - I'll say good night now
Gulping down some sleeping powder, I'm off to dreams
In the sweltering night, I look for the phone that never rings with my nails cut to the quick
And it collapses into a sensory illusion that's of no use to anyone
From the small window of this room,
All I ever do is gaze at saints marching (1)
The sun of life never illuminates this room of mine

Losing the proof of my existence, I keep on falling
Swallowing back the paranoia that's accelerating
My marble eyeballs refract this world and reflect it distortedly
My heart raided by a sorrowful, pathological loneliness

A world with nothing, an empty world sinking into depression
Clinging to the pure white walls, shadows laughed

In the obscure loneliness
Someone, call my name
This existence of mine
This existence of mine

A world with nothing, an empty world sinking into depression
Clinging to the pitch black room, he screams

The proof of existence Someone, [call] my name
The proof of existence [Show me] the meaning of life

xp Hates: xp
-Michael, the 18yrs old german model, not jackson
-Americans & Kaoru
-MIYA!!! grrrr I'll kill him!
-Guns 'n Roses
-GnR fans
-My "parents"


Viewing 12 of 26 friends



well, people usually say that: Im bored so i write something...Now i make a journal because I'd like to write down what happens with me...



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/05/2024 6:35 am



Report | 03/02/2012 11:34 am


thanks for buying! ;D

Report | 02/22/2012 9:50 pm


cool avi
Apple Mommy

Report | 02/14/2008 2:12 am

Apple Mommy

can i add u?

Report | 02/02/2008 3:27 am


WoW! Celebration! Naon jó az új szerkód! Hide sexy boszi változata! Na így kellett volna felöltözni Aya-nak is! User Image

Report | 01/23/2008 1:50 pm


tudom, csak ezt találtam ki

Report | 01/22/2008 2:24 pm


te is már igazán style-os vagy, a neved mikor lesz Hide Baby light my fire?????? User Image

Report | 01/09/2008 2:01 pm


nem vok mozgókép lopó, ez illett banner-nek, és ez lett életem leggyönyörűbb profilja, jah amúgy nem vok már Hide!!!!!!!!!!!!

Report | 01/07/2008 10:52 pm


Hey I tried to send you a msg but you have them turned off !! User Image
grannygirls rose

Report | 12/09/2007 7:40 am

grannygirls rose

Hello, I'm Mama Helen's little helper stopping by to say, Thank you for taking the time to come to the arena, comment & vote!


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