Mongoose Randomness
Desperite Measures
If you can read this I finally made my journal public viewable.( WARNING! Journal contains utter nonsense! )
If you can read this I finally made my journal public viewable.( WARNING! Journal contains utter nonsense! )
Registered: 09/16/2006
Gender: Animal
Birthday: 09/19
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Replying on your profile cause you have PMs off XD
Ohh that's the Smooth Operator acheivement
it was from an event called Unlucky in Love a while back but it's been glitched since I got it :u
all I can pair it with is itself :c
We even sometimes get Paw cosplayers >w>
I saw an annoying dog and a monster kid today XD
(( SDfds emotion_kirakira You should visit towns 2 sometimes <O< If you ever want to find other Undertale Cosplaers there's normally some hanging out in the cafe normally during the day and after noon = w= ))
Care to buy some donuts to go with your own cup? ;D