Nayeli Niji desu~ [aka. Nini.]
WARNING: Capable of independant thought.
I love a lot, I like even more. I write and draw a lot and attend college majouring in Digital Media. I love to talk with friends about stuff, especially about games, music, shows, books and just stuff I like in general. My current obsession -- and has been my obsession since the beginning -- is Devil May Cry. Some others are Silent Hill, the Kiesha'ra series by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, ancd so on. I read a lot, especially fantasy books and manga. Anime is fun. ;P
I'm a rainbow obsessed photo junkie.~ Don't be afraid to talk.
My Dream AviTotal Value: 1,909,371 Gold
[Item Information]Gifts and donations would be dandy. biggrin *fwee!~*
Nayeli Niji[x<3:]
[i]"Ich liebe den Moment in dem mann faellt..."[/i]
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