
konfused123's avatar

Last Login: 06/05/2012 11:17 am

Registered: 11/23/2006

Gender: Female


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My name is konfused, though in RL it's Adrienne. I'm a little bit crazy when it comes to avatars and can get a little bit crazy when it comes to art. I have my own art store, though I also buy a lot of art from others. Both the avatars and the art can be found in my journal; not the store, though. There's a link to that above this box.

I joined up to gaia five or six years ago, meaning it was probably back in 2005... October 30'th though, I remember clearly. I couldn't figure out why the cat in Barton Boutique was dressed up as a ghost.

Yeah, I'm still here after all those years. Still not entirely clear on WHY I keep coming back; I just sort of do. A lot of my best friends are here on gaia. I met them here, too. As the years have past we've just gotten closer and closer. When we met, it was pretty normal... Until they decided to revamp the bar into a stip club. That's about the time we started getting into shenanigans together; all in all, it just made things more fun.

Right now I live in Canada. I'm considering moving to the states when I graduate next year... Though those plans are still quite fuzzy. Though, knowing me in all my infinite stubborness, I'll do it anyway.

Things aren't looking to good for me right now as a bad depression I finally pulled through a few months back is still leaving it's aftereffects. I'm usually sick in one way or another, though I finally caved and got some medical attention a couple weeks ago and have been getting steadily better. I still worry though; I was diagnosed with chronic depression at age 13. I'd already known I have it, but hearing it from the shrink the school hired was hard. It's always threatening to come back, and right now my best defense is to distract myself when it comes around; this distraction usually takes the form of art binging where I'll draw for a week straight and try not to be left alone.

So in otherwords the sum up would be "Overall, I'm your average person. I'm going through stuff, just like the rest of you. I also have hobbies, just like the rest of you. Thank you for reading." xD

Ahh well. I can usually be found prowling the forums, or zOMG!ing, or drawing... Or just stalking my friends list. Y'know, normal stuff. Feel free to send me a message, or comment on my profile. =)


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Kimiko no Tenshi Report | 05/31/2011 12:32 pm
Kimiko no Tenshi
Out of....-cries- My poor interweb addiction....withdraaaaaaaawllllllsssssssss *twitches*

Anywho....I priced service through the local phone company...soon as payday hits I'm going to schedule to have them come out and hook me up....preferably before I lose my mind. xDD

As a side note, I may bundle some services so I might have a new cell number too....I'll let you know. :3
Kimiko no Tenshi Report | 05/31/2011 5:33 am
Kimiko no Tenshi

Hi there. Whoot for wireless at aunts house! xD
Sooo muuuuch to doooooooooo gonk
I'll be on when I can. Take care you!
Kimiko no Tenshi Report | 05/18/2011 1:23 pm
Kimiko no Tenshi
Kimiko no Tenshi Report | 05/18/2011 1:20 pm
Kimiko no Tenshi
Amen sister.
*prods gold count*
Of course, earning gold requires and effort I'm not will to put forth atm....I'm content to just lurk. razz
Kimiko no Tenshi Report | 05/18/2011 1:18 pm
Kimiko no Tenshi
xDD I should probably go look huh...
*trots to the MP*
Kimiko no Tenshi Report | 05/18/2011 1:16 pm
Kimiko no Tenshi
I know teh item....i just haven't seen any of the poses recently xD
Kimiko no Tenshi Report | 05/18/2011 1:12 pm
Kimiko no Tenshi
zodiacal? o.O?
Kimiko no Tenshi Report | 05/18/2011 1:01 pm
Kimiko no Tenshi
Oh yeah...I did.
Good things my nails dry quick lol
Kimiko no Tenshi Report | 05/18/2011 12:56 pm
Kimiko no Tenshi
That's why you practice. :3

It's hard typing with wet nails User Image
Kimiko no Tenshi Report | 05/18/2011 12:52 pm
Kimiko no Tenshi
Typically they come back in a few days...depending on the tests run.


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if you don't then let me go

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Background art done by Lencit_Kanau Thanks Lencit! ^^

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