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Random Journal whoohoo!

read my journal... or else

this journal will be rarely written in im sure. when written in it will mostly be random crap that you probably dont give whoopdy-flippin doo about. ALRIGHT RANDOM!!! (whatever) -_- anyway... *thinking* ... (ive got nothin) THATS ALL FOLKS!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Tennyo Akana

Report | 09/13/2010 9:41 pm

Tennyo Akana

Hey you! Haven't talked to you in so long, what have you been up to?
Tennyo Akana

Report | 09/13/2010 9:41 pm

Tennyo Akana

Hey you! Haven't talked to you in so long, what have you been up to?
koinu B-Chan

Report | 08/29/2009 12:20 pm

koinu B-Chan

omg wtf that cool i wish i get a teacher like that i wouldn't have to do anything biggrin
koinu B-Chan

Report | 08/26/2009 11:48 am

koinu B-Chan

its going to suck waking up early i think i might change my classes...good luck with that class your going to need it
koinu B-Chan

Report | 08/23/2009 1:06 pm

koinu B-Chan

oh man your starting school in a week and you still have some hm! hope you finish in time OoO thats good to hear XD lol i miss you toooooooo TT__TT i've been doing good i still have a good 2 or 3 weeks for school to start but i signed up for 0 per. to 4 per. so i have to start getting use to waking up early XP bleh...but i can get home faster so its all good XD
koinu B-Chan

Report | 08/22/2009 11:18 pm

koinu B-Chan

hello there
long time no talk ^.^ lol
how are you?

Report | 03/08/2009 11:35 am


its ok I know dante is a man's name I dunno why they gave her that name

Report | 03/07/2009 10:34 pm


Actually we don't have DMC there is a character in FMA named Dante just watch the last episode.

Report | 12/07/2008 11:12 am



Who knew despair could be so funny..?

Shouichi Shintaru

Report | 11/08/2008 3:08 pm

Shouichi Shintaru
