Glory be to my Avi

skitz the ditz's avatar

Last Login: 02/19/2023 9:46 pm

Registered: 04/27/2004

Gender: Female

Location: Vampire Haven

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give me presents(you don't have to I just like that saying^^)

Stalking list... Heheheheh I'm watching you sleep xD

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Total Posts: 5668

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Wouldn't you like to know?

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give us some basic information:

-- Name: Jessi
--Birthday: July 10
-- Nick Name: Papaya, Vallay
-- Location: in a state,in a county, on a street, in a house, on my computer
-- Eye Color: Brown with orange and yellow
-- Natural Hair Color: Dark brown
-- Right or left handed: Naturally right...But I can use both^^

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list an animal that begins with every letter of your name:

J - Jaguar
e - Eagle
s - Snake
s - Shark
i - Impala

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

some random questions:

-- Shoes you wore today: boots
--Your perfect pizza: one that would make me never hungry again
-- Most missed memory: If I'm missing a memory does that mean I can't remember it?
-- How many pets do you have: 2 dogs^^
-- If you could go anywhere in the world: Japan
-- Single or Taken: single
-- The last movie you saw at cinemas: Dragon Wars
-- Who you went with: Cian, Lauren, Kelsey, Jess, and Marc
-- Age you hope to be married: dunno at the moment^^
-- Number of Children: If any two...

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battle of the brand names:

-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
-- McDonald's or burger king: McDonald's
-- Adidas or Nike: adidas!
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: both are awesome
-- Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Do You:

-- Curse: ******** that s**t. i never ******** swear ever (LMFAO!!!)
-- Do you sing: Always... every day
-- Get motion sickness: a bit
-- Get along with your parents: Yea! =^.^=
-- Play an instrument: vocal chords

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In the past month:

-- Drank alcohol: nopers
-- Gone to the mall: I haven't been to the mall in ages
-- Eaten an entire pizza: Tostino's yum!
-- Been on stage: To performe hell yeah!
--Gone skating: Roller Skating... I broke my wrist, Ice I fell on my arse
-- Made homemade cookies: I make the best cookies

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Have you ever:
-- Lied about your age: yep...It was hysterical when they found out I lied
-- Used a fake ID: nopers
-- Been in big trouble with your parents: Yeppers -.-

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In a man / woman:

Best eye color: any^^ I especially love blue and green eyes
Best hair color: Any color^^
Age: My more than 3 year difference
Height and weight: I don't care bout that^^, so long as they aren't insanly taller than me...cause I'm kinda short xD

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number of:

-- Number of people you could trust in your life right now: all my about 9
-- Number of tattoos: When I turn 18 I'm getting my first one!
-- Number of piercings: 2... both ears

Stalker information much? Now you know what I like xD

Name: Jessi
Age: 19
Birthday: July 10th
Favorite foods: Fried dumplings, Spring rolls, Rice, steak, and pocky
Likes: Singing, Reading really thick novels, writing, teasing my friends, and donating to the new people of gaia when I have stuff
Loves: Family And my puppy of course^^
Dislikes: Running late, ignorance, and illiterate people... Though I am sometimes I at least attempt to go back and fix my mistakes
Favorite time of day: Night time
Music: I like just about all kinds, except rap (okay I like fort minor but still>.<)
Band (Alphabetical order):
- A.F.I
- Alice in videoland
- Alice Nine
- Anamanaguchi
- Angtoria
- Antic café
- A Thorn for Every Heart
- Atreyu
- Aural Vampire
- Avenged Sevenfold

- Barenaked ladies
- Barlowgirl
- Basshunter
- Beatles
- Bullet for my valentine

- Captain Jack (He was the best ever!)
- Cherry Filter

- Dir En Grey

- Evanescence

- Falloutboy
- Flaw
- Flyleaf
- Fort minor

- Gackt
- Garnet Crow
- Gazette
- Gunther

(More to come)

(More to come)

(More to come)

- Katy Perry
- Kelly Sweet
- Kids in the way

(More to come)

- Marilyn Manson
- The Mitch Hansen Band
- Miyavi
- Muse

- Nirvana
- Nickelback
- Nickel creek

(More to come)

- Phantasmagoria
- Pink
- The police

- Queen
- Queens of the Stone Age

- The Rasmus

- Saosin
- Seventh Impulse
- Sixx AM
- Shelly trip realize
- SpaceKats
- Switchblade Kittens
- System of a down

- Three Days Grace

- The used

(More to come)

- Within Temptation

(More to come)

(More to come)

(More to come)

- 1-800-zombie
- 30 seconds to mars

Description of me: I am little, don't mock my height, like 5"3 since i last checked. So I drew the short end of the stick for height but at least I'm slightly taller than most (toddlers maybe...). My clothing style varies with my moods, I love chains and black though so I tend to work with my likes. I have pierced ears. Basically I'm normal by my standards 3nodding Oh and I'm never caught without boots, I've gotten so used to wearing them that it's actually uncomfortable to wear regular sneakers (is that bad?) So yeah that's me^^
And this be the real me(slightly edited by my good friend Nya-cha xD):
User Image

Go buy art now damnit! Do not let SyncRyuu's lovely talent go to waste! It's affordable and awesome so go now!!! (link in my sig)
User Image

My Halloween Name:
Jessi- Satanist b***h (xD) Second form Jessica: Shadow dweller
I am so the shadow dwelling satanist b***h
Got your own too @

Postit notes

View All Comments

Sharkie Bubbles Report | 12/19/2009 4:17 pm
BOOO! Merry Happy Winter Festivities! biggrin
Sharkie Bubbles Report | 07/28/2009 9:58 am
Lookey are Avis are opposites!
Sharkie Bubbles Report | 07/13/2009 5:21 pm
I can't wait until your B-Day Party. I am gonna be there! Cross my Heart!!
Gaddix Report | 07/10/2009 2:07 am
Happy Birthday!
Kallmidead Report | 06/30/2009 10:18 am
nice avi
Sharkie Bubbles Report | 06/15/2009 10:42 am
*appears out of no where* Hello. Its me. How are you? * slids back into no where*
Master of Aquatics84 Report | 06/10/2009 9:06 am
*curls up and naps*
Naiatsu Report | 04/03/2009 5:38 am
sorry, havent been checking my gaia alot lately xD, you going bowling today? around 6ish? if so then ill tell you everythinh thn okay? *hugs*
Naiatsu Report | 03/26/2009 11:55 am
I no know smile how are you?
Naiatsu Report | 03/19/2009 11:52 am
*glomps* smiles now? xD

What be on my mind


skitz the ditz
M e i j i
Hiyami Nao Mayumi
L_O_V_E Less Hate
-_MuSiC HaTs_-
Seymore Redrum
Wicked Bee
Rosa de Negra
Sharkie Bubbles

"It's like a postcard!! Dear sir, Kicking a** in outerspace, wish you were here."

I love her soooo much, I'd never trade her for anyone else in the world. And she's also very smexy ^.~ She's hyper, sweet and DDR master! I love her company and she's just as much an anime nerd as me. We is the best of friends and we make a very large family *points to family tree* We've known each other for a long time and have seen some high and lows but she is amazing.

isn't she purrdy? Well to bad cause I've claimed her! She's like me only, mucho mucho tall xD, but she is so awesomly funny and I am forever her vampire-thingamabob! I miss her very much. It's not the same going through months where I can't see her. She makes me laugh and know's good stories ^.~... Damn it all for being in different school districts.

My Anna-banana she moved away, but I love her still and we talk lots... She actually is born on the same day as me only one year earlier.She is my sister from another mister wink

Pocky is so loveable and easy to talk to. He's got the greatest personality and will forever be one mf my best friends cause of his greatness. He knows how too cheer me up and make my mistakes seem so miniscule and all and all is one of the best friends I've ever had. I love him so much words can not describe

This little sweetie is the true meaning of Blonde. She is slow at times, but just as hyper and cool as anyone else!She's sweet she's caring and most importantly MINE!!!

Buy some art (SyncRyuu is the best ;) Follow link in my sig^^)

D-chan makes me feel pretty, oh so pretty and witty and GAY!!!!!!!! and I love her cause she is a cuddly evil death bringing teddy bear! And the founding mother of C.I.A.N.P

Tatsu-chan is awesome. He can always make me laugh and is so energetic. He's an awesome Role player as well and I love talking to him. He's the type of person you'd never forget even when you're old and wrinkly like a prune and smell like an old person

Hold me like you held on to life...
Love me like you loved the sun

If it weren't for this lovely lady I wouldn't be the hyper fun loving person I am today^.^ I hope one day I can make her so proud of me. Her approval probably means more to me then anyone elses. She's always there when I'm down and she picks me right back up when I fall flat on my face.

I love, love love him (In a totally platonic friendship way xD)!Perverted as they come, Cian-dono is my one and only male bestie. We have a lot in common (with the exception of mentality levels, but hey I can act my age when I want to.)I do hold a great amount of respect for him (even though he's on the hit list of many of my friends xD)though he'll probably never know why.But he's still The rockin'est person ever

What to say about this lovely Chica? *ponders for a moment* Well for one I have claimed her so you all can back off! And also, She has a boyfriend so you can double and triple back off! *hugs and clings to* I shall never blink when it comes to watching her>.>

"But you're not a man You're just a mannequin I wish you could feel That my love is real"

Quote for the week

He's awesomeness to a tee. He's nice, caring, has a good sense of humor (even if it is at my expense "Kyla!!!!*trip and fall*")There's a saying that silent people are actually plotting to take over the world well bow down before the ruler bishes! He puts up with a lot of my whining and has been there for me when I wasn't my best. He's like my own pocket therapist xD.

The most important people in my life (decriptions, personalities and whatnot ^^)

This be the one, the only, SMEXY NO-CHA!!!! XD he's awesome and I love him to death! *pets him lovingly* He be my masticating buddy.He's got me through a lot of bored patches most days. He's a dork sometimes but it's really adorabley funny. If you sat in for any of our convo's you'd probably either think we were nuts or just slightly insane. And he still has yet to fall on the floor foaming at the mouth and twitching... I'm sure it'll happen one day xD