All About Me ~

-- I'm 22
-- I'm 5ft tall, with blue (, gray?) eyes, dark blonde hair
-- I'm super, super shy (though I don't mean to be)
-- I'm random (I'm always giggling over something ridiculous)
-- I'm a pervert (heh..yeeeah...)
-- I'm honest
-- I can be over-polite... yes, for me, that's a thing
-- I'm kind of artsy in a way that I love drooling over other people's artwork but I have a hard time getting myself to pick up a pencil (It's probably been three years or so since I've drawn anything o-o)
-- I love animals, I have 3 of them
-- I absolutely love anime <33
-- I love horror movies, sci-fi, fantasy, & such
-- I'm definitely a daydreamer, fading into my own reality seconds
-- I love vampires & elves <33 (randomish)
-- I think rap is the only type of music that I'm not really into
-- I love video games & nerding it up on things like League of Legends
-- I'm not at all into sports
-- I used to read a lot & actually wish I had more time to do so
-- I DO NOT donate gold (though I have been a bit generous when purchasing my own items)
-- & I'm happily..well...almost..eventually will be engaged. It'll happen at some point..

Well..I think that covers pretty much everything. I've been on gaia forever, just recently coming back from a long break. I come & go I suppose.

But Anyways, I'm done rambling. See ya <3