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Tina, you fat lard. Come get your dinner. heart

[art && signs && donators ]

I spend most of my time in my quest thread: [ Final Attempt ]

Hi, I go by Tina. cat_4laugh meow I'm a vendor and quester here on Gaia. Joined Gaia in January 2005, but have been on and off.
I'm from California and my favorite number is 9 emotion_kirakira

It's been ten years....
Will always be thankful for the memories and for the time that I've spent on this site. I swear I was like 10 when I first met Sake. Then I got to meet my "Twinne" Sweetange later in 2008, and we made such an amazing quest thread with so many lovely memories because of others that always came in and posted. Getting to know and become friends with the Mooning Kiki crew gave me a sense of community here in Gaia! Being able to work towards my goals/quests when I was in middle/high school gave me courage to have ambition for things in my everyday life.. Being able to customize avatars and profiles gave me the privilege to have and express my own preferences-- something I did not have much of back when I was younger-- ... And just simply enjoying Gaia for what it is! Are all reasons to why I will always cherish Gaia as a huge part of my childhood, no matter what the outcome of the site will be.

Thankful to tons of donations I've received along the way, for helping me achieve dream items that I was not persistent enough to achieve on my own LOL:
`Crump - 1.5m donation LONG LONG ago for baby seal slippers.
06-2014: An anonymous benefactor: OMG Hat
11-2015: VitaminDean: DJ Studio Headphones

I am not a regular on this site any longer, but I always come back to check up on things, like many others I feel are doing. But anywho, thanks for stopping by! Have a great day.

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

salad wasted

Report | 02/05/2024 2:29 pm

salad wasted

you’re welcome! good luck on your quest smile

Report | 04/06/2023 10:05 pm


Inflation be crazy eek

Report | 06/08/2019 1:17 am


You're alive on gaia surprised
Malice Winterharte

Report | 12/31/2017 2:23 pm

Malice Winterharte

..... <3

Report | 11/20/2017 7:58 pm


Happy birthday yum_pumpkinpie

Report | 03/12/2017 12:22 am


Cannot Deal

Report | 12/25/2016 11:47 pm

Cannot Deal

I thank you for your purchase of pants.

Report | 11/23/2016 6:15 am



Report | 11/09/2016 10:54 pm


i missed my 10 year gaiaversary emo

Report | 10/31/2016 9:58 pm


Happy hollow wiener emotion_zombie