Visit my My Gaian House. Now you can't see the starry floor or Holo walls from the preview. So if you visit the link you can see what it looks like while I am working on it. Remember to refresh the screen at towns, if the page doesn't find the server, because it won't on the first try with this link. I am going for a spacey intergalactic gallery look. (If you scroll down the page you can see how my house looked before I turned it into an art gallery.)
This is what I came up with:
Starlight Gallery
68 Barton 017076
In the Gallery are 8 Framed Gaian Portraits.
Originally it was done with seating, but the star field floor produces an illusion effect. If you look at it long enough, instead of looking like a floor it appears more like an open skylight with high protruding walls boxing the opening. Think of it as looking up instead of looking in. In order to bring the illusion out a bit more the light on the left wall is actually placed higher than the other lights to help with the illusion. I entered it into the house arena. There is no prize for that but, it will give me a link for you to check it out without loading the homes.
Framed art nos:
Top left are #2 Bottom row left are #11 & #30 on the left. On the right top row are numbers 28, 26,6. right bottom row are
numbers 15, 8 & 29. The art well you get those by playing puzzles or in the market place. Some times it's hard to see what the pictures are until you buy them in the market place. there are a set number of puzzles with an added weekly puzzle. So there should be more pictures coming and I will rotate pictures from time to time.
Home Arena Voting Results:
Score: 6.7871
Total Ratings: 564
Total Comments: 729
Rank: 107
Yes more comments than votes. If the people who left comments saying they loved it actually voted maybe I would have got a higher score. Maybe not.
I started off as
"Sister Moon; still waiting for the transformation.
You know Sailor moon was an awkward whiney kid before she was transformed...kinda like the way we start off here...lost...no savvy...no special nothing. So, Hopefully I will transform my avatar into something spiffy as "Sister Moon." When I settle on a look art will be added as the background. No, I don't do a bunch of sailor moon talk. If you speak Sailor moon I say Hunh? It's been a long time since I've watched TV. That's for the sistermoon site, not for my Gaiaonline time. What happened was as I started working on my avatar I submitted it in the arena. Right there in the description box I started her story. I do believe as I continue to develop the story there will be no mention of Sister Moon. But, I must confess that if I never saw Sailor Moon on TV I would not have went looking for my first outfit on purpose. Credit given where credit is due. But, I will develop a separate original story that works with the items I find at Gaia. It's a personal challenge to start me writing again. Well, I never stopped typing, just stopped writing. Now the challenge started was to come up with a story beginning in under 1000 words in the descrition box that made the outfit make sense. It had to be more than - oh I thought thhis look was cute, and I wanted to buy this expensive stuff- that goes well with my blue hair. And even though I did the intro on the spot...I'm going to stick with that beginning and go from there. I will probably put the story in my journal.
This week Starting Monday May 7th I entered my Avatar in the Arena as :
Moon Fairy Princess
Avatar Arena Voting Results:
Score: 6.4171
Total Ratings: 279
Total Comments: 107
Four came to bring gifts to the girl, each wanting to take the lead. One brought the gift of
Time and Space for she was bright and should be free from limits of the here and now. One brought the
wings & dust of fairies for she was kind and caring. One brought the
flight of angelic feet so she could flee those who would pursue to spite here pure heart.
As they surrounded her and argued whose gifts she would recieve, the wind from their breath carried the sounds of their wishes over her. With no more than the
winds of words she was transformed into the Moon Fairy Princess.
The forth had stood silent until it was done. Upon her, he bestowed the gift of choice, to free her from the clutches of those who brought their gifts and secret plans. He knew though, that, she was already free due to their blunder. And he reserved a gift to give her later, when she was ready. Her story begins here.
To Be Continued....by D.F.
I'd prefer comments on the page rather than PM. I'd have to delete the private messages and I could easily forget who you are if you aren't on my friends list. It's easier to find you if you comment. Mail boxes are tiny and you get gold for commenting on the page anyway.
Sometimes, I may be away for quite a while, because, I am off working. Yes I said - But, while I work I am always on the look out for really neat websites. That's how I found this site. I was looking for online games to put on my site and I found a link here. I really enjoy full version games on my computer, but, this whole site is a game and I am enjoying it very much.
I do like the way the whole entrepreneurial spirit is woven into the site. I don't think anyone is too young to be introduced to what really goes on in commerce. You get a little taste of it here.
I'm here to play, design my spacey gallery house and get a bunch of pets.
If you only say hi, I might only say hi back. If you talk to me, I will talk back. I'm a cartoon here and that's as far as my role playing goes. But, if you are a Matrix fan and talk Matrix to me I'll talk Matrix back. If you speak in Holy Grail I'll speak Python.
Of course, we all get to leave our residual self images behind when we change our avatars.
I am as real as I am fictional, but, there is no spoon.
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