
Incarceron's avatar

Birthday: 07/18


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BA Graduate in Studio Art with Concentrations in Photography and Printmaking
Check out my writing in the forums and follow my adventures of a creative, dyslexic writing life~

Closer to the Edge - Thirty Seconds to Mars



[img:7f325eeb85] Incarceron 00.gif[/img:7f325eeb85]
Done by Tuni Fish[/size:7f325eeb85]


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Lethia Minakarmaru Report | 04/14/2015 9:00 pm
Alright!! Ill get on that. Only thing is..
I cant edit the picture to the 100x100 size at the moment, do to limited internet connection
Where I'm at, at the moment.
So Ill do that part later.
And sorry for being slow, busy work week, add in studying,
Ill have late at night replies.
Lethia Minakarmaru Report | 04/13/2015 10:31 am
Uhh... I have the picture for now
What kind of bio you looking for? Lol
Uh name.. Zia Lyn
Lethia Minakarmaru Report | 04/12/2015 10:17 pm
Would you like to start it off, or me?
and Ahh.. That makes sense.. They closed our school down twice for cleaning i cause two kids got it
Stupid school is stupid.
Air mattress with hole is being stupid too XDD
Lethia Minakarmaru Report | 04/12/2015 9:25 pm
I was afraid of getting that.
I have an odd imune system. DOnt get big sickness easily
But little colds... All the time..
The swine or anything like that flu, would saddly put me out >>
I'm glad you got through it alright!!!!! *hugs*
And yea, Hospital sounds good start.
Maybe at least one member has got itso far, Or almost all members of the family have
At least they can met there. And notice all the people filling in being sick/dying?
Lethia Minakarmaru Report | 04/12/2015 8:28 pm
Hmmm. I like that.
Sorta like.. Its getting worst and worst, and always talked on the news.
One member of their family could just be falling sick, or in the hospital (as it just got to their area)
And they notice now that others around them are all starting to fall ill,?
Ever seen steven kings the stand?
And hmmm.. School mates?
Lethia Minakarmaru Report | 04/12/2015 5:28 pm
Here ya go
Basically had it made.
Were shall we start it off?
News of the virus on the TV, people flipping out, outside. Things like that?
Shall our Characters be neighbors, or have to try and find each other during the chaos?
Lethia Minakarmaru Report | 04/12/2015 4:37 pm
Threads are easier t keep track of
If you wanna try that and one of us can start it off?
Lethia Minakarmaru Report | 04/12/2015 12:43 pm
I'm better at girls.
But im getting better at boys slowly Lol.
how about we start off with either or, as the story progress we add in more?
Lethia Minakarmaru Report | 04/12/2015 10:44 am
I think.. A bit of both. of the options you listed below.
Like... Start it off with the virus breaking out, and them and their family running out of the town with everyone else.
Our familes(characters) running out together, and slowly how the deaths happen.
Then time skip later on a few years, to were there isnt many people left, and they have to go looking?
Lethia Minakarmaru Report | 04/11/2015 9:01 pm
Lol I work with kids for a living now... Soo.. Mine is through the roof.
maybe add in bordem and lots of hope.. anyways!
Number 7!!
Ive been craving post apocalyptic in some kind of form.
Zombies are around.
A virus kills everyone off.
Zombies started, but just randomly died off after no food source for so long cause the humans went into hidding.
And the whole trying to survive or start the world over again XDD


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