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Mama Ame

Mama Ame 's avatar

Last Login: 07/29/2022 8:20 am

Registered: 07/06/2004

Gender: Female

Birthday: 04/21/1986


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The name is Ame. I'm almost 29 years old. I'm married with 3 children.

Donaters (these people ROCK):

Anoymous-Eggshell ^^
Other (can't remember name ^^)spaghetti.
Elf 626-Festive cocoa
candycane elf-blue doggy animal balloon
SashiStar-5000 gold ^_^
cindy sue who-September 2007 letter
Chocolate Elf (Forget your name ^^; wink -Heart box of chocolates
Aknara-White Hot Top
Anoymous-White Juggling Ball
Happy Squid-Red Rose Corsage
Icy Snug Balloon Skirt-NightNinjaXVII
Citrus Snug Balloon Skirt-NightNinjaXVII
Berry Snug Balloon Skirt-NightNinjaXVII
Dried Grass Skirt-NightNinjaXVII
Icy Snug Balloon Skirt-SerinaButler
Nurses Cap-SerinaButler
Baby Jack Mask-Xx_Tamari_xX
Blue Nurses Skirt-Black_Lab
pink ribbon skirt-Onlera
OMG Box-the Fluffeh Griffin
Nannerz-Let it Snow
Nannerz-Snow Witch
Birthday gifts From-Nannerz, Z, Naomi, Abrien, Trace,Okami,Lia,IAmNotAConformer,Ryoko, Onlera
Trace-Bag of Win
Phaseburn-Mythic Hair
Hiddochi wolf-fire flower
Z: Plates of cookies ^^(lots and lots!)
Trace razz lates of Cookies
whataman razz lates of Cookies
Lingy razz lates of Cookies
Abrien Silver:1.7k
Naomi: Plates of cookies and gingerbread cookies
Okami: Gothic Veil
Phaseburn:Guitar of Angellus O_O
Trace razz ixie and Cloud
Apple Blossom19:velvetine neck ribbon
Strideo: Plate of Cookies
Phaseburn biggrin emonic Pitchfork (gift for hubby)O_O
Trace:White Dove Kachina wings
Trace: Picolitrosso's Urn
RD Pimphis-cookies
Phaseburn-Whip of Fire
Phaseburn-silver friendship necklace
Phaseburn-kelp o'th loch
Phaseburn-Yama No Tamago
Think Different: Cookies
Padmavati's Lotus razz haseburn
Angelic Imp: Trace
Gro-Gain: Trace
1k:Kaze no Ato
Trace:gift of the goddess, mythica eyes, angelic microphone,holy gauntlets,
Trace:winter rose
Trace:Lusty Scoundrel
Pulga razz late of Cookies
Auroura: blue rose and dander
streamer_95:Yokai's Treasure, Summoning tome, radiant prism, mecha form
Phaseburn:captain ara's nestegg
Trace: Aquatica, Demon Imp, Kong Sang Scarf
Nadian: cookies
Evie: Cuttlefish, phonograph
Spearquest: Orchid Kimono (the old purple one)
Nadian:Carol of Ebenezer and Carol of Nick
1.)Spearquest-Sora Furisode
3.)Sirek-Assassin's Guise
6.)Z-purple adominable scarf
7.)wellwisher-Grace of Aphrodite
8.)disliker of the mary sue-Kiki Umbrella Buddy
10.)Catkid_neo-Kiki Umbrella Buddy
11.)Nannerz-Blue Ribboned Black Cat Hooded Jumper
12.)Emalthya and Everette-Coco Umbrella Buddy
13.)Everette Emalthya-Toadstool
14.)Big Brother-Watermeat set
15.)Twin-Mythrill Halo
16.)Twin-Heart of Gold
17.)Okami-Purple Gloom Mistress High Heels
18.)DvnT-Collared Blue Wrap Dress
19.)DvnT-Celebrity Date
20.)WhyNotian Santa-Blue and Purple Saloon Girl's Dress
21.)whataman-Kiki umbrella buddy
22.)Naomi-Burned Apocaripped Knit Gloves
23.)KingJack!-Wintery Hot Cocoa
24.)Anonoymous-Panda Plushie
25.)Hiddochi-Coco Umbrella Buddy
26.)General Lea-Woolen Tarven Wench's Bustier
27.)Platinum Chaos-Spirited 2k7 scarf
28.)randomgirl768-purple abominable scarf
29.)Demon 0f Spirits-Woolen Tavern Wench's Bustier
30.)KaguraOfTheWind-Woolen Tavern Wench's Bustier
31.)Ryoko-Woolen Tavern Wench's Bustier
32.)YourAzureGoddess-Gilded Holly Crown
33.)randomgirl768-purple soft 'n' fuzzy coat
34.)Abrien-Anima Adamantea
35.)Zeta-Superior Form
36.)Anonoymous-Snow Feather
37.)Cataclypsa-Demonic Earmuffs
38.)whataman:Mu Plushie
39.)Tsukinoki:nightmare box
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The Musings of Me

this is just stuff, about me. Yeah, fun. Whoo.


View All Comments

MetoFukuChan Report | 10/13/2024 10:41 pm
I found you on a super old post and just wanted to tell you that I think your signature is super cute!!
“I sometimes let my kids decorate my avatar”
:3 idk why but I found that to be very sweet emotion_bigheart
Hope you and your family are doing well!
Valixrae Report | 09/04/2016 7:16 am
First comment for 2016, woot! heart
Supreme Johny Report | 10/21/2015 7:03 am
Supreme Johny
Hi please do contact me I need to talk to you c:
Valixrae Report | 12/26/2014 3:09 am
It has been so long since you updated your profile! xd
Javier Cross Report | 10/25/2014 3:51 pm
Javier Cross
Are you a Witch Lady?
Different...Very. Report | 09/15/2014 4:13 pm
I love your outfit. Purple is my favorite color, and your avatar sports it well. 3nodding
Arli Report | 04/20/2014 7:30 am
Happy Easter Maggie! I hope it's a great day with you and your little family~ <3
Love_Neko366 Report | 07/07/2013 11:04 pm
Thanks for the purchase smile
Sup3r_Bwahaha Report | 05/30/2013 9:44 pm
I stole your 2013 profile coment virginity! Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

On another note... hi! ^_^
My Divine Chaos Report | 08/07/2012 10:12 am
My Divine Chaos
*Creeping on your profile admiring your avi*


I sometimes let my kids decorate my avatar


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